So ladies, I am hoping LO comes on her own but have a set induction for after the due date just in case she takes her sweet ole time LOL. I was wondering what anyone's expereince was if they were already effaced and dialted? My first came on his own and of course this one still can but just wanted to see what my ladies experienced if you were already dialted and at least 50% effaced.
Re: 3.5 cm dilated, 60% effaced and being induced
When I arrived to be induced, I was 3 cm and 85% effaced. They broke my water and slowly upped the pitocin. I was 5 cm and asking for the epidural within 3 1/2 hrs. I delivered him 5 1/2 hrs after they started the induction. My induced labor was very similar to my other deliveries because I had back labor and I progressed quickly.
Good luck. Hope you go in to labor on your own.