September 2014 Moms

Baby moving??

When did you mamas feel your babies move?? This is my first pregnancy and lately I've been feeling these somewhat strong flutters right above my bikini line. I've never felt anything like it before. Although I'm only 11 weeks I can't think of what else it could be. Immediately after the last set of flutters I used a doppler and found baby instantly, right on top :) the best luck I've had so far with the doppler. Usually it's somewhere in the background if I manage to find it.

Re: Baby moving??

  • People are going to tell you it can't possibly be the baby. With my first, I felt her the first time around 18 weeks, but I've felt flutters last week that felt just like it did when I starting feeling the baby at first last time. If you think it's the baby, it could be! I know I'm choosing to believe it's the baby.
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  • I had an anterior placenta with my first, so I didn't really start to feel her move until 24-25 weeks.

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