I feel like this should be a word problem for a 3rd grade math book. Our stats: 9 month old takes 2 naps (830-1030am / 2-4pm). 2 year old sleeps 12-2pm. This means that from 8:30AM to 4pm, there is ALWAYS someone napping (yes, i do usually have a 60-90 minute window 10:30-12noon but if I get in the car to go anywhere, 2 year old takes his nap early.) Now - I've tried everything to get 2 year old to sleep with the baby's AM or PM nap, but he's either not tired yet at 8:30 (this was his old schedule which he grew out of), or he's overtired come 2pm. Along those lines, the baby cannot last past 8:30, and he's not ready for a second nap at 12noon. Any tried-and-true advice on how to sync naps welcomed with an OPEN HEART! Nappingly Yours, Mom on Baby-Induced House Arrest
(P.S. I do somehow get out of the house, but am forced to forfeit someone's nap in the process. I hate anyone missing a nap and feel there must be a better way??).
Re: Naps Out of Sync: Schedule Advice??
That's sometimes how ours work out to get them both napping at the same time.
When is lunch? We try to put both down after lunch. LO isn't eating solids yet, it's just a timing thing.