Baby Names

What adjectives come to mind when you hear Evelyn?

Not adjectives like "overdone", lol. I mean, what words come to mind when you think of both a little girl and grown woman named Evelyn? Who are they?

Same question for the names Lila and Ayla, if you're so inclined :-)
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Re: What adjectives come to mind when you hear Evelyn?

  • For Evelyn I think dainty and proper.

    Lila I think graceful and beautiful.

    Ayla I think spunky and off beat.
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  • Evelyn: FI loves this name, so I feel a little bad saying this, but I think snobby and uppity.

    Lila: Sweet, dainty, girly.

    Ayla: Outgoing, friendly, spontaneous.
    Me: 27   DH: 28
    Married: November 2015
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  • Evelyn: graceful, kind
    Lila: petite, sweet
    Ayla: outgoing, fun
  • Evelyn: strong, but feminine 
    Lila: flowery and sweet
    Ayla: spunky and creative

  • Thanks ladies, these are very helpful. Keep 'em coming, even if they're negative associations! 
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  • Kmommy91Kmommy91 member
    edited February 2014
    It makes me think of a bird in flight and then a harp. Both beautiful and relaxing images. I know those aren't adjectives per-say but I hope you know what I'm getting at.

    EDT: Lila makes me think of a pretty little, delicate flower. Ayla makes me think of a spunky little girl with dark hair.
    Btw, I've never met anyone with these names. They're beautiful. My favorite being Ayla.
    "Bedo" - Apr. 16, '13

    #2 - EDD Nov.
    15, '14
  • Evelyn: lovely, elegant
    Lila: sweet and cute
    Ayla: artistic 
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