September 2014 Moms

Zofran pump

Anyone been on it? My dr just recommended I get on it. I am willing to try anything that will make me feel better but I'm terrified of needles. I've somewhat gotten used to having my blood drawn since it's happened so much lately but to have a needle in me at all times is terrifying! Anyways just looking for any insight on this. Thanks.

Re: Zofran pump

  • how long would you have it? if it was long they might put in a picc or central line which doesn't have a needle attached to it. I don't really see a regular IV working too well... 
  • I don't know much about it. The dr said they have to refer me first and then a company would be calling me to talk about it. I just want to know if it's worth it or not
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  • I was supposed to get one with my first on a Monday and the sickness went away that Saturday. But my friend had hypermesis and it was like a life saver for her. She was still sick pretty often and had to be hospitalized a couple times even with the pump. But for the most part, it was at least managable sickness, for her.

    Hope you start feeling better soon!
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  • Thanks, that is definitely comforting. I'm very nervous but want to do anything that will help. I have never been this sick in my life. And it's never ending! I just want to eat food and not throw it up. Thanks again.
  • I'm a nurse and I've had patients with them. If it's the same system that I've seen, it's a small needle that they put into your abdomen to insert a tiny catheter/tube, remove the needle but leave the catheter in that then administers the medication into your system that way. It has to be changed every three days but it gives you a continuous dose of medication that your body absorbs from the tissue on your abdomen. It seems to help.
  • Thanks @aveyc1986. I was up most of the night freaking out about how does someone move that has a needle in their stomach!?? A catheter makes a lot more sense. I am hoping the company calls me today so that maybe I can get back to somewhat of a normal life soon. Thanks!
  • From what I understand, I believe it's similar to the way an insulin pump works for type 1 diabetics. And a guy I knew that had one said he didn't even feel it, it's just there.
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  • I am due in September and I was put on it after losing too much weight. It literally has been a life saver for me. I went from not being able to get out of bed without getting sick to being able to spend all day outside! It has become my very best friend!
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