2nd Trimester

Showing...but feeling ashamed.

I'm just about four months and am showing slightly. And I'll tell ya, if I hear one more story about someone who didn't show until they were 5-6 months pregnant and even then it was minimal, I'll scream. Will some of you who showed early share your story? I'm starting to feel like a freak because I have a bump at 16 weeks. I don't want to be ashamed of showing early. :/
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Re: Showing...but feeling ashamed.

  • I had a bump with my first at 16 weeks, 13 weeks with my second and 8 weeks with this baby. Nothing to be ashamed of!
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  • Never feel ashamed of your beautiful body displaying the glorious miracle of creating a life.
    that said, I'm on the opposite spectrum. It took me until nearly 22 weeks to really feel like I'm showing. I knew it would happen eventually but it was hard not seeing it.

    The point is, all our bodies are different and all our little miracles are growing and stretching and relaxing in different ways.

    You're healthy, your baby is healthy and that is the important thing.
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  • I started showing pretty early too, people wondered if I might be having twins. I'm 20 weeks now and have a pretty decent sized bump.  I was starting to feel bad too!  Some people said they didn't show until their 3rd trimester for their first pregnancy!  People who knew me could see a difference around 12 weeks and strangers started to comment around 15 weeks.  
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  • I started to show where my co-workers could tell (because I had already told them and they knew) betwen 14 and 15 weeks.  I felt like I showed before that but it was really all just bloating!  Now when I indulge and eat way too much of something delicious and then feel like I just ate an entire thanksgiving dinner, then I probably look another couple months along.

    But don't feel bad, whatever your body does is normal!  Our bodies are doing something awesome right now...making a whole other person.  

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  • Don't be ashamed, some people show earlier. I've been obviously pregnant since I was 12 weeks this time around.  People will make rude comments more often than not, let them go or it'll drive you nuts.  You're body is developing a baby and it's a wonderful thing! Don't let others get you down, embrace the baby bump!
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  • Because I'm a little bigger, I started showing at about 14 weeks. Of course it only made me look like I was actually gaining weight and not pregnant looking.

    Honestly, it didn't matter to me what anyone else thought. I knew I was pregnant and was proud of it. I started getting the wrap around jackets/shawls so that I could show it off while it was cold out.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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  • I'm 13 weeks with my second kid, and I'm definitely already showing. Nothing to be ashamed of. Your body is doing its job the way it was designed to; just because that's different from some other people doesn't mean it's wrong.
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  • At 11 weeks I started wearing maternity pants.  My regular jeans were tight.  I went from looking like I was just getting fat to actually looking pregnant.  I had heard that people show earlier in subsequent pregnancies so I'm just going to enjoy it.  Plus, I have found that people are nicer to me when I have a bump.
    Missing our Little Pumpkin BFP 2-19-09, MC 3-1-09 Mommy and Daddy miss you and love you so very much! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • Show that bump off girl!  Be proud mama!  I started showing in my 4th month too!  I am now outgrowing the first round of maternity clothes and looking forward to upgrading/upsizing on some new shirts :)


  • Thank you so much, guys. I feel much more normal/happy now. *pets bump* 
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  • I had a bump with this pregnancy around 15-16 weeks. Don't be ashamed at all! People have no filter when they converse with pregnant women. They feel they can say whatever and it's okay. Show off your baby bump and be proud momma!
  • It's really beyond your control. I have no idea why you would be ashamed?

    LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

  • I'm so glad that you made this post because I have been thinking the same thing! It sounds like I am about as far along as you are and have had similar feelings. I've had quite a few people tell me that I'm starting to show even though I feel like I shouldn't be yet. This is my first pregnancy so I don't know what to expect! I'm glad I'm not the only one :)
  • I'm 15 1/2 weeks FTM and showing!
  • You should not feel ashamed but proud!! I'm 19 weeks with my 4th in 6 years and not showing and although its not want you wanted to hear I wanted to write to say I'm envious of you! I wish I had a baby to show off!! Enjoy your bump the time will go by so fast!!!
  • I've always had a small pooch on my stomach, so with my bloating, people have been telling me that I'm showing since I was about 12 weeks.  I'm 15 weeks now and have a little bump.  Some days it's obviously a bump and others, like today, I look like I've gained weight.  You show when you show.  I look at it as a sign that things are progressing well inside :)
  • I'm 13 weeks with my second and am showing. Everyone is different... Never be ashamed :)
  • Don't be ashamed. At least you have a bump. I've got this nice intestine roll going on near my belly button at 13.5 weeks. Very few of my pre-pregnancy clothing fits and  even fewer of my maternity stuff fit either. It's the limbo period. 
  • dragonfly711dragonfly711 member
    edited February 2014
    Omg I started showing before 12 weeks. Don't be ashamed.

    I was in the lunch line before Christmas so no one at school really knew. None of the students.
    Well one of my girls 2 nd grade. Hugged me and then said Mrs D are you pregnant? I have a little belly to begin with but I was a little shocked.

    Just told her that Mrs D is a little chunky so more to love. Lol

    Now she comes over and hugs my belly all the time.

    Don't be ashamed. Be proud!!!

    Me (40) DH (42).......Married 7/1/11......TTC 12/2013.......BFP #1 12/30/12........EDD 9/8/13
    Spotting,clot 2/15/13 all ok......2/21/13 no heartbeat 11 w 4 d missed miscarriage........2/22/13 DnC :(
    BFP # 2 10.10.13...........EDD 6.19.14

      Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers


  • I'm pregnant with my third and I show fast every time. People always make comments it's not really something you control. Nothing to be ashamed of
    Soon to be mommy of 3!
    DS Grayson (3yrs) (Emergency Csec)
    imageDS Camden (1yr) (All natural Vbac)
    DD Isabella due 8/2/2014

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • I am an apple shape, so being pregnant really enhanced my figure, and I showed earlish for a FTM.  Now at 5 mos someone guessed I was actually 7, and even my mom will ask if I'm sure I'm due when I am. I'm sure you look beautiful! 

    Being with my LO rocks! DD born 6/13/14.
  • my cleaning lady asked when I was due within 3 seconds if seeing me,,, at just 4 weeks pregnant!!! I had not yet even told my husband yet at the time!!! it's hard because you are being stated at & judged either way! just know it is way easier to handle once you're 24-25! it's just round & cute and awesome! although I'm on my third & mine looks wide! oh well!!! I'm
    excited to have my body back by fall!!!!
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  • I feel your pain!  This is my 4th, so I guess I am showing early.  All I hear is " are you sure it is not twins? or Are you sure you are not further along that you think".....drives me CRAZY.
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  • I'm a FTM and had enough of a bump that I started wearing maternity clothes exclusively at around 14 weeks. I'm slender to average and in decent shape.
  • I've lost 15 pounds since becoming pregnant, but I've apparently lost it in my face and arms. Whenever we got to visit my husband's side of the family, I get "Oh wow Courtney! You've lost weight, except for that swelling belly. When I was pregnant, I didn't pop out until I was almost due to give birth." and the "You really need to start watching what you eat!"
    Well that's cool, grandma, but I'm not you....and thanks for telling me that I've lost so much weight, and then flopping to the watch what you're eating. 

    I started to poke out more around 11 weeks, but it's all mostly bloating, even still. I won't wear form fitting clothing in public right now, because I feel slightly embarrassed too..but around the house, my husband always comments on it, and I'm excited for our visit back home to visit my side of the family to show it off. :) 

  • I was showing at 17 weeks with my first and 15 with my second. My gf who is a FTM, and tiny, is 18 weeks and has been showing for about 2 weeks now. Just tell them you might be showing early but they will always be an asshole. Those people usually are.
  • I was showing around 16 weeks. That's not really "early" though. I'm sorry you feel ashamed, but you have no reason to. There's so many women who don't show until their 3rd tri. I'm sure most of them work kill to show sooner.
  • If I wore tight clothing I had a bump almost 14 weeks and I'm a FTM (I found that out the hard way when shopping for a NYE dress) I have a friend who had the same size bump that I did when I was 19 weeks but she was only 12 weeks, and she is a FTM, too.

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  • As said before, be prepared for many more ignorant comments from strangers. Your pregnancy will fly by, so don't let them ruin it for you. When they turn around, flick them off!! Ha! It might make you feel better.

    We have our "Irish Twins"

    DD born 8/7/2013

    DS born 7/28/14


  • I'm 14 weeks and definitely showing. I think it is a difficult adjustment because we spend our entire lives trying to be fit and trim and all of a sudden, almost overnight, we have a big belly! It's strange but you are pregnant. Embrace it 
  • This is my third pregnancy and with the first two I started showing at around 10 weeks! I felt like I just looked a little chubby until about 15-16 weeks when I actually looked pregnant. This time around is a little different because I didn't start showing until about 14-15 weeks and I look a little chubby now instead of pregnant lol everyone is different and everyone is always going to tell you what they did, it was better or you should do this and shouldn't do that. You're just fine the way you are! Changing bodies are always hard to deal and cope with, don't be ashamed!
  • I started showing pretty early too, people wondered if I might be having twins. I'm 20 weeks now and have a pretty decent sized bump.  I was starting to feel bad too!  Some people said they didn't show until their 3rd trimester for their first pregnancy!  People who knew me could see a difference around 12 weeks and strangers started to comment around 15 weeks.  
    I am going through the same experience you had. You could tell I was pregnant at 12 wks. Everyone is different. Be proud you are showing off your little one.
  • I too felt, and still feel the same way as you, I am going to be 26 weeks in a few days, and gained a lb a week, until  the last 2 weeks, now that baby is growing more I am too. The past 2 weeks I gained 2 lbs a week. I have gained a total of 29 lbs. Some weeks I eat more than others, but when mama is hungry, mama needs to eat! I too am a FTM, sometimes I eat healthy everyday, but I also snack!  I feel large all over, but I know with some determination it will come off.  I don't feel like a cute little pregnant woman, but I am happy as ever to feel baby move and get healthy reports on him at Dr's visits, and my doc says I am doing great! When another woman told me that I should watch what I eat, because I told her how much weight I gained I wanted to smack her upside her head! I showed very early on, as well. We will be fine I am sure!
  • I started showing at 15 weeks and people told me that they could tell even earlier that knew me. I was relatively lean to begin with so its also not true that people only start showing before 20 weeks if they are bigger. I felt the same way as you -- it seemed EVERYONE on the boards was talking about how they were not showing and had only gained 1 pound at 20 weeks. I was like, WHAT? But as everyone has said, everyone's body is different. At this point, I am 21.5 weeks and already look like I have a basketball under my shirt. The weight gain was hard at first becuase I was just looking fat but now I am loving that I am obviously pregnant and feeling less concerned about the creeping numbers. and I know, I know, that I am pregnant and should just love my changing body, etc. etc., which I do now. But before I started showing, it was rough. I am glad you asked as I woudl have appreciated hearing the same thing when I started showing what seemed like "early" relative to other ladies on the blogs, and I suspect there are other mommas out there feeling equally relieved that you did. 
    BabyFruit Ticker

  • I started to "pop" at 13/14 weeks and I'm a FTM. I don't care what people say I love having my bump! I'd be pissed if I didnt have one until 5/6 months. Enjoy it, love it, rock it!
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    BFP 10/27/13---Heartbeat 11/20/13---Its a BOY, Ethan Ray 2/18/14---Possible heart defect 2/18/14---Confirmed Aortic valve abnormality 3/26/14---Scheduled delivery June30th
  • I started to "pop" at 13/14 weeks and I'm a FTM. I don't care what people say I love having my bump! I'd be pissed if I didnt have one until 5/6 months. Enjoy it, love it, rock it!
    This. I've already had strangers come up and touch my belly, and I'm only half way through my 13th week.
    BabyFetus Ticker

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  • Don't feel too bad. ... I started showing a 'bump' at 5 weeks....I am now 16 weeks today and I have a watermelon....seriously, last week a family friend saw me for the first time and he said, 'wow, it's almost time, huh?'...I just laughed it off and said, ' not even close'....
    I just keep letting myself know the reason is because the baby is growing very healthy. ... and I can work on losing it afterwards.
  • I get the exact same thing. ..lmbo
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