September 2014 Moms

home doppler

So one of my co-workers has a home doppler.. she is letting me borrow it so tonight my hubbs amd I are going to try to find the hb for the first time. We are 9w4d. I YouTube'd videos on how to use it, and it seems they push down rather hard. It makes me nervous that I will hurt the baby.. anyone used one?

Re: home doppler

  • It won't hurt baby - but you shouldn't have to push down that hard. Aim low - right above your pelvic bone - and don't be afraid to scan from one side all the way to the other. I am not a skinny chick and I don't have to press hard to find it....
    PCOS , incompetent cervix, gestational diabetes, IVF graduate, with one ovary!
    1 angel baby due to a 20 week M/C thanks to IC
    1 ovary due to a benign tumor that crushed my ovary
    About 6 years of pointlessly POAS
    Proud mommy of a 2.5 year old  girl
    Currently pregnant with baby #2 surprise BFP -  Team Blue until proven otherwise

  • Don't be alarmed if you can't find it right away you might just have to wait a couple weeks
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  • Def dont worry if you have trouble. It look my doctor ages to find it at my last appointment, and I was nearly 12 weeks. Honestly, if you are prone to worrying in general I would recommend holding off.
  • That's early enough that you shouldn't be concerned if you don't get a heartbeat. Also baby is so insanely protected by layer upon layer of fat pushing on your belly won't hurt it.

    Married August 9, 2008
    TTC Since September 2009

    1st   BFP | EDD 10/23/10 | Natural M/C 03/27/10 | 10w 0d
    2nd BFP 06/26/10 | EDD 02/25/11 | Natural  M/C 07/17/10 | 8w 1d
    3rd  BFP 12/17/10 | EDD 08/24/11 | Natural M/C 12/31/10 | 7w 4d
    4th  BFP 06/22/11 | EDD 02/25/12 | M/C D&C on 07/27/11 | 9w4d
    5th  BFP 09/17/11 | DD Paige Lily born 05/16/12
    6th  BFP 08/11/12 | EDD 04/11/13 | CP
    7th  BFP 09/29/13 | EDD 06/04/14 | Natural M/C 10/27/13 | 8w1d
    8th  BFP 12/16/13 | EDD 09/01/14

    DX: Pericentric Inversion of Chromosome 8 & compound heterozygous for MTHFR mutations
    RX: Lovenox/Heparin & Folgard


  • Mine is supposed to be delivered tomorrow. I'm still early, but I'm excited to have it. I used it daily with DS until I could feel the kicks daily. Aim LOW!! GL!!
  • Thanks ladies!!
  • Try not to worry if you can't find anything. I got mine every day from 9.5 weeks to 11 weeks and then nothing. Although it does bother me some, the heartbeat was very strong every time I heard it (between 160-180). I have had no miscarriage signs and I'm guessing the placenta grew more and covered baby or my uterus moved and it's now more difficult to hear it. I'm 12 weeks today and my appointment is on Tuesday. I'm really hoping doc can hear it then or I may be a little worried. Enjoy listening to that heartbeat if you can find it! It's very exciting!
    "As soon as I saw you I knew an adventure was going to happen." ~Winnie the Pooh
  • Mine came a day early and I got to use it last night! DH was out of town so more than likely it will be used again. It took me a few minutes to find the heartbeat but 166 bpm at 10 weeks :) Def, a little relief since it seems like forever since the first us
  • I can't wait to find it using mine! It came in today and I tried it. However, at 8w4d I knew it was a long shot to find it. I found mine nice and easy. I'm hoping I know the difference once I can hear baby's.  I know I will probably every day till I can, lol. 
    Me: 30 Him: 33
    Married: August 2012
    BFP #1 9/2013 -- MC 10/2013
    DD: 9/22/2014
  • Got my doppler today. I tried once with an empty bladder then a few hours later with a full bladder and no luck. I did hear the swooshing sound which I heard was the blood flowing to the baby so maybe I was close. Going to try again tomorrow.


  • @MMason, you will definitely know the difference! The baby's heartbeat will be very fast, like a galloping horse! Good luck! :)
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  • Mine came yesterday at only 8w4d. We kept hitting one spot that read around 140 but couldn't really hear it. Maybe?
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