How "trendy"/common is the name Eli where you live?
Which leads me to another question- I think trendy and common have two different connotations even though they both mostly mean lots of babies have that name this year. So do you think Eli is just common or does it go as far as "trendy" (which I think holds a more negative connotation) OR is it really not that common at all where you are?
Re: Eli
I do think that trendy and common are two different things. And to me, Eli is neither.
I agree that trendy and common are not the same. A name can be common without being trendy. Classic names come to mind (Michael, Noah, ect.).
I like Eli. It isn't terribly popular where I live. I hear it more as a nn for Elijah.
I don't know a single Eli. I love it.