I am curious if any of your LOs are obsessed with any toys. DS has become obsessed with the dog leashes - not a great toy. I get so freaked out that he is going to hurt himself so I always keep a close eye on him. He seriously has a tantrum when I take the leash away - jumping up and down crying and even flailing backwards. Every day he wakes up his first stop in the house is right under the hooks for the dog leashes. He cries until he gets it. He has never been so obsessed with anything like this before.
Anybody else have a LO obsessed with a toy?
Re: Toy Obsession
A set of small paintings hanging over the couch.
Coconut water and soup. She will cry when it's all gone!
Cups, sees one, HAS to have it and try to drink out of it.
Hats, she will sit and try on / have you try on a huge pile of hats for ever!
She likes to "ferret away" things too. She has five or six hiding places all over the apartment where I will find little toys or the snot sucker, baby nail clippers, my phone or wallet. Mostly the places are such that she can drop it in and not get it out-at least not without ease.