September 2014 Moms

SPD, anyone?

Symphysis pubis dysfunction?  I had it really badly during my last pregnancy.  Starting I think late in my fifth month, I started to get horrible, stabbing pain in the front joint of my pelvis and some in the back joints, to the point where it sometimes hurt too much to walk.  OB put me in physical therapy but it didn't help a ton.  It pretty much resolved right after I had DD. I still have flare-ups, but I discovered the support belts they make for this and that usually helps if I wear it overnight when I'm having pain.

I can't believe it, but I've been having a little bit of the same feeling for the past two days - it's too early for this!!!  Anyone having the same issues?  Anyone find a treatment that actually worked?

DD1, born 4/10/11 at 32 weeks
Cooking #2 :)  Due 9/18/2014

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Re: SPD, anyone?

  • Lightning Crotch!
  • I wish!  This is a lot more constant. 

    DD1, born 4/10/11 at 32 weeks
    Cooking #2 :)  Due 9/18/2014

    BabyFruit Ticker
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  • LTMama said:
    I wish!  This is a lot more constant. 
    Yeah, I had this in my last pregnancy, but not until the end, and it was prettttttttttty painful.  My doc ended up putting me on bedrest during the last 3 weeks because my BP was rising, and I was so grateful.  I have to walk a lot downtown during my job (to and from meetings), and I would seriously sit down at my desk and cry afterwards it hurt so badly.  NOT the same as lightening crotch.
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  • Wow, never heard of that, and sorry you have to deal with it. Have you considered seeing an osteopath? I see one for my sciatica, so perhaps they could help with your issue too?

    Oscar born October 2011

    Miscarriage at 8 weeks (August 2013)

    DD due September 1, 2014

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  • @ceridwen21, I haven't seen an osteopath - that's something to look into!  I had acupuncture today and am going to stick with it for a bit to see if it helps, as the PT/chiropractor route last time didn't do anything for me.  I'll remember to try an osteopath if this doesn't work, thanks!

    @JSS1002, man that sounds awful.  My work was really great about letting me work from home a lot last time, so though I still had to walk a good bit downtown between bus and metro, etc, I only had to go to the city 3 days a week.  I have no idea what would have happened if DD hadn't been born so early, as it kept getting worse.  I used to wake up at night crying because it hurt so much to roll over in bed.

    I ordered some new SPD belts last night, hopefully they'll help.  The one I have is great but it's kind of bulky under clothes, so I'm hoping these will be less obvious.

    DD1, born 4/10/11 at 32 weeks
    Cooking #2 :)  Due 9/18/2014

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I had it with #2 and it started around 17-18 weeks. I've also been noticing that same feeling off and on for the past few weeks and it is making me nervous. 

    What worked for me last time was weekly chiropractor visits. A friend of mine is a chiro and was really knowledgable about SPD and the "Webster method" - I was extremely skeptical of chiropractors before going, and it was a night and day difference after a few little adjustments. It didn't last long, just about a week or two before I had to go back, but the relief was worth it. In between visits, I had to ice my crotch area every night (somehow this helped to keep the adjustment in the right place for longer?) and I also had to discontinue exercise that involved having my legs apart - so wide stance squats, lunges, etc. 

    I hope that helps and I hope you can find some relief!! SPD is truly awful and not a lot of people are aware of it/knowledgeable (I wish I had a dollar for every time my midwife suggested a belly support band - hello at 17 weeks I did not need one!!).
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