
Baby Jogger City Mini Double/Bob Duallie?

Hi everyone, I'm due with twins on June 1st and have a 2.5 year old son. We bought a Bob Duallie for running. Do you think this would be ok as our main stroller once the babies are out of the snap n go? (We will get a snap n go too). Or should we get the BJCM too? Also, does the BJCM have lots of different positions? Or is it just a side by side? I've heard some people say that you can switch the seats around 16 different ways, but have yet to see one in person!


dx: hypothalamic ammenorhea & MFI. TTC #1 since 7/09.12/09: DH had varicocele surgery. 5/10-8/10: IUI + Clomid #1-4 BFN, 9/10: IUI #5 + Clomid: BFP!!! Tyler Liam 6/3/11 7 lbs. 2 oz. 20 in. :) TTC #2 since 11/12. IUI + Clomid #1-2 Clomid: BFN, new RE: IUI + injectibles: BFN. Onto IVF#1 Antagonist: July '13: Estrogen, Provera, Menopur/Gonal/Cetrotide; ER 8/6: 8 eggs, 6 mature, 5 fert. with ICSI; 5D SET 8/11: BFN :( FET 2 embryos scheduled 9/13: BFP!!! 10/13: 2 heartbeats! Twin boys due 6/1/14!



Re: Baby Jogger City Mini Double/Bob Duallie?

  • No, the City Mini is just side-by-side. An awesome side-by-side, but that's all it is. It's the City Select that can be switched around a lot, but it's way more $$$. We love our BJCM, haven't used the Duallie, so can't speak to that!
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  • We bought them both but ended up selling the City Mini when the twins were about 9 months. I think I envisioned using the City Mini for situations where the BOB seemed obnoxiously huge - shopping, errands, crowded places, etc. Turns out we manage to avoid these situations most of the time, and when we have to take them on errands or whatever, the BOB is actually fine because it is the same width as a standard wheelchair and so it fits through most doorways. 

    I will say that the City Mini was great between 2-6 months (ish) because the seats recline all the way back and so you can put them in it as very young infants, where you have to wait until 6 months or so to put them in the BOB. It maneuvers so much better than the Snap N Go. But not sure it's worth the $$ for a few months of usefulness. 


    TTC #2 since July 2010
    FSH = 11 (20 on day 10 of CCCT)/ AMH = .98 / AFC=12ish
    5 IUI's with oral meds = all BFN
    March 2012 IVF (MDL Protocol) Started stims 3/3; ER 3/11 (9R, 8M, 7F) ET 3/16 (5dt of 2 blasts graded 3AB and 3BA, 3 frosties(!!) Beta 3/26 = 386; Beta 3/28 = 827; u/s 4/11 says TWINS! Boy/Girl Twins delivered at 36 weeks 6 days

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  • I would say you need one or the other, and if you are actually going to run with it, the BOB is a good choice.

    I'd wait until they are here to see if you need or would use a second stroller. A lightweight double umbrella could be useful for situations when the BOB is too big, but you might not need anything else depending on your lifestyle and for what/where you use a stroller.
    Married 8/2008. IVF with PGD March 2013.
    3/22 ER: 25R, 20M, 15F. 9 genetically normal, and 3 survived to Day 5
    3/27 ET: transferred 1 embryo, beta 9dp5dt=163, 12dp5dt=639
    4/25 1st ultrasound at 7 weeks = identical twins with heartbeats?!!!
    PPROM at 31w, delivery at 32 weeks of two beautiful girls
  • We used a stroller frame for the first months and have now switched over to the bob. My single bob was the only stroller we ever used for my singleton and I can't see that changing this time around.

    We're runners, so the duallie was a no brainer. I'm holding off on additional strollers bc we just didn't use even an umbrella last time.

  • Thank you! We are runners, so we will stick with just the BOB for now and go from there.

    dx: hypothalamic ammenorhea & MFI. TTC #1 since 7/09.12/09: DH had varicocele surgery. 5/10-8/10: IUI + Clomid #1-4 BFN, 9/10: IUI #5 + Clomid: BFP!!! Tyler Liam 6/3/11 7 lbs. 2 oz. 20 in. :) TTC #2 since 11/12. IUI + Clomid #1-2 Clomid: BFN, new RE: IUI + injectibles: BFN. Onto IVF#1 Antagonist: July '13: Estrogen, Provera, Menopur/Gonal/Cetrotide; ER 8/6: 8 eggs, 6 mature, 5 fert. with ICSI; 5D SET 8/11: BFN :( FET 2 embryos scheduled 9/13: BFP!!! 10/13: 2 heartbeats! Twin boys due 6/1/14!



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