So I am a little concerned that she is obessed with letters and numbers. She puts the letters and numbers in order and then wants to spell things or make bigger numbers. I hope this isn't coming off as an AW, she does this all.the.time. Almost obsessive. She gets upset if a letter gets out of place. She loves superwhy and watches them sing the alphabet over and over again.
So I guess my question is: Do/Did your three year olds become obsessed with something for a while and then turn to something new?
Re: Quick question about my 3 year old
I really feel like most of B's weird toddler obsessions kind of petered out before age 2.5 or so. She definitely has interests and preferences, some of which she is very enthusiastic about, but I wouldn't describe her attitude towards them as obsessive.
It's probably just toddler weirdness, but if it concerns you, it wouldn't hurt to bring this up to her pedi at her next well check.
@scoutkate My pedi already said she is a 'sensative kid.' She stopped her speech and OT therapy almost a year ago. I have anxiety and doc thinks she has it too. Her OT said that she thinks she is a pretty anxious kid as well.
I just worry (obviously with my anxiety
bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!
beta @ 5w0d = 12,026! u/s 4/22/14 @ 8w1d it's twins!