
Joining you all for the 2nd time

DD#1 came at 27w6d due to Severe Preeclampsia.

I'm now pregnant with DD#2 and I'm 33 weeks. She's measuring beautifully and the only issue that I have is BP issues but I'm on Procardia. Today at my OBGYN appt protein showed up. 1+ on the dipstick and my OBGYN isn't playing around this time. She told me today that we will be having a baby sometime next week.

DD#1 was in the NICU for 66 days and was a feeder and grower so I'm used to a long NICU stay.

Has anyone had a 34 weeker? What do I expect? I know it's not gonna be a long NICU stay like we had before but I'm just curious to see what you all have gone thru.

Olivia Madison born July 27th, 2011 at 27w6d at 10:44pm 1lb 11oz 13 1/2 inches delivered c-section due to Severe Preeclampsia and PIH

Re: Joining you all for the 2nd time

  • Is your dr going to give you the steroid shot series? 34 weeks isn't too late for that.

    My twins were 34w5d  and only stayed 8 days, but I realize now after my most recent NICU experience that hospital vs hospital can be a vast difference.  I feel like the girls were rushed out of there way too soon and force fed. They did not have to go on the vent, but were on CPAP for 2 days and quickly weaned to room air. 
    They were 4lb13oz and 4lb9oz at birth, if that helps any..
    Best wishes and prayers for a smooth delivery/recovery, and uneventful, quick, hospital stay!

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    Lilypie - (9CKY)Lilypie - (xzY1)

  • I'm sorry you have to go through this again, but at least you know what to expect this time. I think 34 weeks is a good gestational age. Hopefully, your LO wont have too many complications and will have a short NICU stay. Update us when you can. Good luck and be safe!
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  • Praying for a quick and uneventful stay for you. My girl was 33 weeks however she was only 2lbs 13 ounces. So we stayed in NICU for 6 weeks. Learning to wat and grow .
  • welcome back! Sorry you have another NICU stay looming. Hope it's much shorter this time!

      Our Angel Patricia born sleeping 3/30/12 at 31 weeks
    Our Fighter Anna born early 1/8/13 at 26 weeks
    Hoping to bring home #3 due 9/9/15
  • Wishing you a short & uneventful NICU stay!

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • My 33w4d stayed in the NICU for 18 days. she was 4# 4oz at birth. Her biggest struggle was getting rid of the feeding tube. I wish you the best!
  • I read a preemie blog and someone had a 35 weeker after a very early preemie and they are celebrating her like she's full term--by this I mean everything she does seems so unpreemie-like to them and they are amazed at how easy life is for her compared to their earlier LO.  You can never predict the hurdles that come, but you are already past many scary possibilities being probable.  I have to say +1?  That is pretty common for me and I did not have pre-e.  I hope they let you do the 24 hr urine and hospital-based monitoring before making you deliver, but I guess for some, when the baby is pretty far along, the risks to the mom start to outweigh.
  • My son was born at 34 weeks 3 days. He was 5lbs 3ozs but had a lot of breathing problems the first few days. It was on the vent for 3 days the oxygen for 7 days. He was in the hospital for 30 days but it took him along time to learn to suck. He was just lazy and didn't want to. He is still very lazy at 6 weeks old and can't drink more then 1.5 ozs with out gettif very tired. I hope all goes well and u have a short nicu stay.
  • wishing a a quick and uneventful NICU stay.

    11.2011 - DS1

    02.2013 - loss at 6 wks

    06.2014 - DS2

    10.2015 - loss at 12 wks

    03.2017 - DD

  • My DD was 34w4d and did very well. In the NICU for 6 days mostly just getting up to par with eating and she was jaundiced. I hope you have a short NICU stay this time and a quick recovery!

  • My DS was 32.5 weeks but weighed only 2 lbs 13 ozs. He was jaundiced but other than that just a grower and a feeder. His NICU stay was 30 days.

    I wish a short and uneventful hospital stay for your little baby. Please keep us updated.
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  • My twins were born at 34+4. They were born at 2lbs9oz and 3lbs7oz. They were only in the NICU as feeders/growers and they were in there for 4 weeks (30 Sept - 29 Oct). Hope your stay is short and uneventful.


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