Just curious what you CD moms do for MOTN diapers/diaper changes? I've been double stuffing DD's pocket diapers and that usually lasts the whole night.
What do you mean, what do we do? (Not snarky just trying to understand the question )
For DS I only change if he poops. We do a prefold with a hemp doubler and a microfleece liner and a super cover. (The double PUL kind) I have everything I need to change him in my bedroom with his stuff (we co sleep).
DD STTN and is in either a pocket with 2 hemp inserts or her simplex with one or a freetime with a small hemp insert under the MF flaps. She's a light wetter (is that a term?) and as long as there aren't any leg gaps we don't have issues.
I only change if he poops. We do a prefold with a hemp doubler and a microfleece liner and a super cover. (The double PUL kind) I have everything I need to change him in my bedroom with his stuff (we co sleep).
what is a super cover? or double PUL? why do i not know these things?
LOL It's my own name for it. I don't know what the cover is called but the PUL is 2 layers. It basically really, really thick. I think it's Bummis brand. I have 2 of them I use at night time haha
I don't totally understand the question, but I think you're asking IF we change in the MOTN. N has been getting up once/night pretty often and I give him warm milk. I just recently started experimenting with CDing at night. Either way, unless there were a leak, I don't change him. He never poops at night.
I have an s'bish that I used with a fleece/stay dry liner with fleece longies on. It worked great, but damn that thing is bulky. Other options I use are Simplex with hemp inserts/stay dry liner, Best Bottoms with an ON and hemp insert and stay dry liner, Kawaii GNHW with hemp/bamboo inserts.
Sorry for the lack of clarity! I was just curious what everyone's using for overnight diapers and if you change your LO in the MOTN. Wondering if there's something better than what I'm using out there (a BG 4.0 double stuffed). I haven't been changing DD because I don't want to wake her and sometimes I feel bad over it, even though 90% of the time she doesn't leak and it doesn't appear to bother her. She also never poops in the MOTN. (she's 5 months).
I use a fitted with a cotton prefold as a doubler. I only change him if he leaks or continues to cry after I've fed him, or if I my fitteds are all in the laundry.
Parent of
Baby Boy M, born December 2013
Angels: Miscarriage @ 9 weeks, May 2015, Chemical Pregnancy November 2015
Sorry for the lack of clarity! I was just curious what everyone's using for overnight diapers and if you change your LO in the MOTN. Wondering if there's something better than what I'm using out there (a BG 4.0 double stuffed). I haven't been changing DD because I don't want to wake her and sometimes I feel bad over it, even though 90% of the time she doesn't leak and it doesn't appear to bother her. She also never poops in the MOTN. (she's 5 months).
If you're worried about leaks swap out one of your MF inserts for Hemp.
Also, never wake a sleeping baby. You WILL regret it.
We are doing a prefold with a hemp doubler in a PUL cover. Or a BGE new style with flip organic insert. (This has a TON of absorbency!) but lo doesn't seem to be a super wetter since he hasn't leaked. But everything is pretty soaked in the morning.
We stopped changing over night when he stopped pooping ON. Although our days start early and DH is In charge of am diaper changes which usually happen at 5:30am.
We've been using a 4.0 stuffed with either 2 MF or more often, a MF and a hemp insert. Never had a leak and we've been doing this since she was 2 months. We never change between 7pm and 7am pretty much, sometimes longer if she sleeps late. There's nothing to feel bad about letting your baby sleep!
Re: MOTN Diaper changes
For DS I only change if he poops. We do a prefold with a hemp doubler and a microfleece liner and a super cover. (The double PUL kind) I have everything I need to change him in my bedroom with his stuff (we co sleep).
DD STTN and is in either a pocket with 2 hemp inserts or her simplex with one or a freetime with a small hemp insert under the MF flaps. She's a light wetter (is that a term?) and as long as there aren't any leg gaps we don't have issues.
I have an s'bish that I used with a fleece/stay dry liner with fleece longies on. It worked great, but damn that thing is bulky. Other options I use are Simplex with hemp inserts/stay dry liner, Best Bottoms with an ON and hemp insert and stay dry liner, Kawaii GNHW with hemp/bamboo inserts.
Also, never wake a sleeping baby. You WILL regret it.
We stopped changing over night when he stopped pooping ON. Although our days start early and DH is In charge of am diaper changes which usually happen at 5:30am.
#2 3/2015
#3 3/2017
#4 10/2019