March 2012 Moms

What's Going On?

Been slow here recently so I figured we could do a "what's up" post and catch up. :)

1. Yesterday, I finally got the last of DD's birth paid off!!!

2. Life is changing. DH's job is changing with new regulations, new boss, etc. Whether he stays where he is or moves on, life is changing. Kinda scary. And stressful.

3. Etsy shop is going fairly well. I have a daisy headband that I love. DD will wear it for her b-day party next month. And I just made this mesh market bag in green, blue, and off white. I love it and can't wait to make more. I may not make a lot of money but I make a little and it's fun. :)

4. It has been such a snowy winter. Yes, it's Maine but we have had some fairly mild winters the past few years.

5. It's almost maple syrup season! Lots of work and DH will be busy but it's also fun. We're selling it this year. I'm hoping we at least break even with all the things we've had to buy for it this year.

6. DD has been on a nap strike recently. And trouble sleeping at night. And grumpy and super sensitive. I can't feel any bumps but wondering if her 2yr molars are on the way. Either way, I'm tired. It's like having a newborn...without the chance to nap. She yells during nap time and is very loud in general instead of just laying in her room quietly. This mama really needs that break and I'm not getting it.

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Married: 1/2008 ~ DD#1: 3/2012
TTC #2: Started 4/2014       BFP 7/30/15   MC 8/3/15       BFP 9/4/2015   EDD 5/16/2016


Re: What's Going On?

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    So far this last week or so .. we have started building a castle.. almost has a black eye ( bruised cheek bone) and landed on our head after missing a step at the museum.. resulting in tears and an eggie but nothing worse.. 3 of the last 4 molars finally broke through YAY 

    We have a  weekend trip to Kansas coming up to visit the Great Grandparents and Great Great Grandma who is 96.

    I had a pretty decent review at work, and trust me I more than earnt it haha

    Just busy as usual here..

    I am pretty sure Excited won't mind me saying so on her behalf..  Grace is ill again so she is run off her feet and that's probably and they also have some pretty severe storms up there which is probably why she isn't posting? Best wishes to Excited and Grace and hoping for a fast recovery .. 
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    @countrygrl5533 I hope your DD ends her nap strike soon! I would be so stressed if DS wasn't napping. I need that break!

    Let's see.. DH and I have now been to 2 therapy sessions together and are doing much better. Still plenty of work ahead but we are making progress.

    DS is such a fun and challenging little mister. He's still occassionally biting at DC but we are working on solutions, both at DC and at home. He is talking more and more every day - DH even taught him to say "I love you, Mama!" which he told me for the first time on Valentine's Day. :)

    I am just working away and getting excited for spring! I am hoping to finally get some chickens this year!

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    We are trying to dig ourselves out of yet another snow storm!  49 degrees is in my forecast for Thursday!  I can't wait, even though it says 70% chance of rain.  

    Other than that, I'm 23.5 weeks pregnant and we are trying to get DD used to the idea of a new baby.  When we talk to her about it, she says, "No".  However, she did suggest a name - Donald - so I'm not sure if she thinks we will be getting a baby boy or a baby duck.

    I'd love to start potty training, but she shows next to no interest.  Do I just bite the bullet and try?
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    1.  We've been alone with both girls for two days now and other than the fact that the dishes are piling up, everything is going well!  We were kind of nervous when the last grandparents left yesterday...

    2.  Jane is not napping well, either.  She's down for 30-45 minutes and then she's up again.  I was really hoping she'd stick to her 2 hour naps so I could nap, too!

    3. I love maternity leave.  It makes me wish I could afford to stay home full time.

    4.  I'm going to make some enemies here - it was 79 degrees today and has been in the 70s since Saturday.  It's wonderful.  Jane is really enjoying the playground!

    5.  Have I mentioned how much I love this board lately?  You ladies are great!

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    We have also been on a nap strike. Its been a bit rough.

    We just came back from a visit regarding little brothers health and all seems well. We are waiting to hear the final say from his doctor. Things are looking good though. :)

    DS sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to us today. It was awesome. :) He is learning more and more everyday. He is getting used to being a big brother and does a pretty great job of it.

    Beyond that I am just waiting for good weather to get here!



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    We just got back from 5 days in Cleveland visiting DH's family and meeting our new niece!  SIL had a baby girl on Dec 29.  It was fun visiting and playing in the snow a bit, but man it made me glad that we live in LA, where it snows once every 30 years and the entire city shuts down for a couple of inches.  I was very happy to return to our 70 degree February weather (not so thrilled with the drought though).

    DS did soooooo well on the flight and the trip in general.  Despite being in an unfamiliar place, with people he's not spent a ton of time with, in a different time zone, in totally different weather, etc., he was so fun and playful and sweet for the whole trip!  Made me a proud mama!

    He and DH were both extremely sick the week before we left though.  DS wound up with like 3 different illnesses in the span of about a week and a half.  One was a chest infection that the pedi gave us antibiotics and an Albuterol inhaler to use to loosen his chest.  Oh my gosh, it seriously turned him into this unrecognizable terror.  Our normally sweet boy had these total Jekyll/Hyde tantrums - the smallest thing would set him off into a completely inconsolable rage!  It took us a couple of days to figure out what was wrong and when we finally did, we felt absolutely horrible! :(  Poor little guy had been fighting us on the inhaler from the beginning, but we figured he just didn't like the actual inhaler part of it.. we should have listened to him!  Luckily, once we figured it out and stopped using it, he was back to his happy self pretty quickly.

    That's about all that's new here.. just can't believe I'm going to have a two year old in less than a week!!!  How is this possible?!?
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    We go together like a wink and a smile. June 27, 2009 
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    @rocknrollfriend We usually have chickens. We got rid of them the fall after DD was born as they weren't laying anymore and haven't replaced them yet. Last summer we had two snakes in our yard (I have a huge snake phobia) so I'm pretty sure we are getting chickens this spring. They keep the ticks down and  the creepy crawlies out of the yard.

    Hope all these kiddos stop the nap strike soon and no more sickness. :)  DD napped yesterday but was up early this morning. Just can't win. lol

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Married: 1/2008 ~ DD#1: 3/2012
    TTC #2: Started 4/2014       BFP 7/30/15   MC 8/3/15       BFP 9/4/2015   EDD 5/16/2016

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    LilNunz1 said:
    We are trying to dig ourselves out of yet another snow storm!  49 degrees is in my forecast for Thursday!  I can't wait, even though it says 70% chance of rain.  

    Other than that, I'm 23.5 weeks pregnant and we are trying to get DD used to the idea of a new baby.  When we talk to her about it, she says, "No".  However, she did suggest a name - Donald - so I'm not sure if she thinks we will be getting a baby boy or a baby duck.

    I'd love to start potty training, but she shows next to no interest.  Do I just bite the bullet and try?
    I'd maybe start with just trying to build interest. Read potty books, talk about the potty, let her check out the seat, sit on it, hang out and just get comfortable with the idea. This is sort of where we are and his interest in the potty is growing and growing. He tries to go at daycare a lot but still hasn't produced but I'm just happy we're moving in the right direction. It's pretty uncommon for boys to be trained by 2-- not unheard of, but not exactly the norm.
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    DS and I are finally fully recovered from our nasty colds (double ear infection for him, again!). Being pregnant with a cold while caring for an equally sick toddler is a special sort of hell. Ugh. 2nd Bday invites went in the mail yesterday, I ordered a fancy cake from a bakery and am super excited for DS to see it. Visited 2 preschools and will be getting on the waiting list at one as soon as I can decide on one. Also, we scheduled our 20 week a/s and it falls 3 days before DS's bday. Going to be an exciting week for us!!
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    DS born 3.12 
    DD born 7.14
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    @Excited30, from what I read online, it is a very common side effect.  Since the inhaler was not completely essential, we stopped it immediately and he recovered fine without it.  MIL is a nurse and FIL is a doctor so they gave me a couple of suggestions for other meds to request if he ever needs something like that again.  It was seriously so crazy - I would look at him and think "Who IS this kid?!?"  Poor little guy! :(

    Sorry to hear about G and Motrin!  It's crazy how a lot of those meds can have that kind of opposite effect!  I was talking to a friend about Benadryl and she said it made her 8 year old super hyper, like bouncing off the walls.  So unfortunately it doesn't seem to be limited to toddlers!  Hope G is feeling better and life is calming down a bit for you.
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    We go together like a wink and a smile. June 27, 2009 
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    @Excited30, she suggested Xopenex as the first one to try.  There is no way I will give him Albuterol again unless there is no other option.  He was obviously so miserable on it :( 
    image Image and video hosting by TinyPic Kristina's book recommendations, liked quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists (read shelf) 
    We go together like a wink and a smile. June 27, 2009 
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    52 books in 2015?           
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    @Excited30 Boy, that sounds like a really rough time! I hope the coming days are more relaxed and healthy for you and G. I can imagine how challenging it must be to suddenly have G's dad back in the picture. Hopefully it will work out to be an overall positive experience for you all.
    The only thing sure to slow my toddler down is TV. :) Other than that I'd say things like reading books, playing with play doh, painting, coloring. When my DS had his broken leg we went on lots of stroller walks. It let him get some fresh air even though he wasn't actively playing. Not sure if that's an option with the weather where you are! GL and hang in there mama!
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    It's not quite the whole song yet but we are close.

    Twinkle, Twinkle little star

    How I wonder

    Up so high

    Like a (insert diamond shape) up the sky

    Twinkle Twinkle little star

    And you bet I have it on video! ;)

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