So I wanted to write about our sleep transition in case any one is in a similar situtation. LO mostly slept in the RNP or swing the first four our five months, and trying to get him in the crib was a horror show. Once he outgrew the RNP, he started sleeping with me. At first, co-sleeping worked for us but then it started not to. LO became mobile and I spent much of the night trying to keep him from jumping off the bed and plus he started sleeping sideways and he was squeezing me out. He also cried every night in bed with me and wasn't comforted until me or DH walked him around. And he was waking five or six times a night. Then he got sick and wasn't sleeping at all. All fun stuff.
After he was sick we decided to try the crib, we figured we survived him being sick so the crib transition couldn't possible be worse. I was also inspired by Shank's transition story too.
So we did it....he seems to really like having his own space and he STTN for the first time! That is our story. Knock wood! Please send your good vibes that it continues.
Anyway, I was terrified to try the crib after our first attempt with it but I think there is something about the@ nine month mark that makes it a good time to try if you want to.

Re: we transitioned our co-sleeper
TTC #2:
March - May 2014 - Natural cycles - no luck
June 2014 - Clomid 50mg - BFN
July 2014 - Clomid 50mg - BFN
August 2014 - Clomid 50mg - BFN
September 2014 - Clomid 50mg - Fingers crossed...
@beaubecca and @allydncr- we aren't using a monitor. We are sleeping in the guest room which is just a few feet from the nursery. We definitely hear him cry if he gets upset but we probably don't wake up for all his partial wakings. I feel ok about that now because when we were co-sleeping I was feeding him or somehow involved with him at every partial waking and I don't think it was good for either of us. (I think the whole STTN could be a little misleading and has a lot do with him being in a separate room because I am not as aware of him.)
The other thing that happened is that today for the first time he ate a lot during the day. He had always reversed cycled and with this transition we figured we would have to ferberize but still do night feedings at first and then slowly night wean him. I thought this would be a long painful process since I could never get him to eat more during the day but knock wood it seems he is night weaning himself and quickly beginning to eat more during the day. It surprised me how immediate this was.
TTC #2:
March - May 2014 - Natural cycles - no luck
June 2014 - Clomid 50mg - BFN
July 2014 - Clomid 50mg - BFN
August 2014 - Clomid 50mg - BFN
September 2014 - Clomid 50mg - Fingers crossed...