May 2013 Moms

Ten Things

1. The title auto-corrected itself to "Tween Things", something I know nothing about lol
2. LO hugged me yesterday and I'm still on cloud 9.
3. I'm ridiculously tired this morning.
4. I'm drying up just fine. The last time I pumped was yesterday at 1pm and I haven't leaked a single drop.
5. I think I'm going to be a much happier mama without the constant reminders of how insufficient my body is at milk production.
6.The girls at work are planning a day trip to the casino and I want to go!
7. LO has been needing a bottle to go back to sleep at MOTN wake ups.
8.I hope she STTN before the new baby is born.
9. I STILL haven't called to make LO's professional picture appointment.
10. I reiterate #6.
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O14 January Signature Challenge: Snow Fails
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Re: Ten Things

  • 1. Our 9 mo appt went great yesterday... except that the Dr told us it's time for LO to move to his own room.

    2. He also said LO should be STTN and to cut out the MOTN feeding.

    3. I told the pedi I was finding a new Dr. (I was kidding but annoyed)

    4. I didn't give LO his MOTN feeding last night. Instead I was up from 2:30 - 4 am consoling him. Yes - that is so much better than the 20 mins I'm usually up to feed him and he goes right back down.

    5. ^ Pure sarcasm

    6. I've been having cake this week since it's my mom's birthday. I'm in heaven (sorry Shank)

    7. LO will be moving to his own room this week. UGH!!!

    8. We bought a new couch a week ago. Can't wait till it arrives!

    9. We also bought a ton of landscaping. Can't wait till that arrives and is installed.

    10. We have a mouse in our garage. Caught it eating from the bug-B-Gone bag. Think it may have killed itself  =(

     Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    TTC #2:
    March - May 2014 - Natural cycles - no luck
    June 2014 - Clomid 50mg - BFN
    July 2014 - Clomid 50mg - BFN
    August 2014 - Clomid 50mg - BFN
    September 2014 - Clomid 50mg - Fingers crossed...

  • 1. I'm so effin tired. DD is up 4-5 times every night.
    2. Her baptism is in two weeks and I'm so not prepared.
    3. Coffee is my best friend. I love you, coffee!
    4. I'm stressed out about moving this summer.
    5. The house needs a lot of work and H informed me we will be doing most of the work ourselves. Ugh.
    6. My sister announced she is due in September with baby #3!
    7. Next year there will be 7 kids at my side's Christmas, ages 0-6.
    8. DD spit up in a toy yesterday, it was gross but I was happy she didn't get any on the carpet.
    9. Winter, fuck you.
    10. Sooo looking forward to taking DD outside when it's warmer, she is so bored.
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  • 1. Madison's 9 month appointment is on Friday.
    2. I can't believe how much time has gone by!
    3. I need to also get Madison's picture appointment scheduled, I need her pictures for her birthday invites.
    4. I already know the day I'm having it but I have no idea what to do next lol
    5. I have tons of ideas but I'm just overwhelmed
    6. We are moving in less than 4 weeks so I'm stressed about packing...I hate packing.
    7. I'm making chicken tortilla soup in the slow cooker.
    8. Dh and I had a wonderful weekend by ourselves but we missed DD so much.
    9. She was so excited to see us when we picked her up from my in laws
    10. My daughter is shaking her butt to Daniel tigers neighborhood, it's a cute little show on PBS.
                              Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicphoto r0614p_zpsojhlssmw.gif
                            Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
                           BFP#1- April 24th. M/c-April 30th. BFP#2-September 11th. EDD: May 25th. 
                                      It's a girl!!! (: Madison arrived on May 19th at 6:35 am (:
                                                               * July '15 January siggy challenge.*
  • 1) I'm glad that it's a 4 day week
    2) R is big enough to reach the top rail and pull himself up in his crib. We lowered it ALL the way down but he's just so big.
    3) we visited our friends who have 4.5 month old twins who are both sleeping through the night. I hate them
    4)due to the storm R's surgery for his tubes was cancelled.
    5)I cannot get a new appointment until the 27th
    6)really looking forward to hockey and the women's ice skating in the Olympics.
    7) DH only has 9 weeks until he's done with his bachelors degree. Thank god, he's miserable
    8) found a good deal on flights for the first of the 3 weddings we have to fly to this year. Spent a little more to get a direct flight.
    9) really bummed that all of our vacation time is going to weddings and other family events and not a real vacation this year
    10) Need to finish our taxes! I want my refund
  • 1) At the ped with my 7 year old right now... I think he has strep.

    2) Went to the MFM yesterday-- our new LO is measuring 6 lb 4 oz at almost 35 weeks!

    3) We met with our CPA yesterday... I hate paying taxes.

    4) Connor ran into something at daycare and has a big gash on his forehead. Poor guy.

    5) My mil is staying for a month when our LO arrives... I like her a lot, but that's a long time.

    6) I'm over all this snow and want to get some gardening done!

    7) DH is sick too and I'm not looking forward to his "man cold".

    8) Between 9p and 9a, Connor drank 14 oz... It's hard to sleep train a starving baby.

    9) I took my 7 year old to cartoon cuts for a haircut. It looks like I let Connor cut it.

    10) I'm looking forward to my beach vacation in July.
  • @Trademama a man cold? My condolences.
  • Boo0512 said:

    @Trademama a man cold? My condolences.

    Me too!

     Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    TTC #2:
    March - May 2014 - Natural cycles - no luck
    June 2014 - Clomid 50mg - BFN
    July 2014 - Clomid 50mg - BFN
    August 2014 - Clomid 50mg - BFN
    September 2014 - Clomid 50mg - Fingers crossed...

  • @missk0411

    We mentioned to our pedi that LO refuses to eat randomly. Sometimes he'll push your hand away and thrash his head back and forth before he's even tasted it. Pedi said it's him seeing what he can get away with/control etc. He said don't push it. If he doesn't want to eat, fine - put the food away. When he's hungry a while later, try again with the same food. He said it's just part of the process. As long as A is healthy, I wouldn't stress too much!

     Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    TTC #2:
    March - May 2014 - Natural cycles - no luck
    June 2014 - Clomid 50mg - BFN
    July 2014 - Clomid 50mg - BFN
    August 2014 - Clomid 50mg - BFN
    September 2014 - Clomid 50mg - Fingers crossed...

  • 1. LO's 9 month check-up is tomorrow.

    2. I had to change is apt because it was the 14th and we had such bad snow here I wouldn't risk the drive for a check-up.

    3. It is snowing AGAIN here and I hope it stops before tomorrow because I do not want to re-schedule AGAIN lol.

    4. My husband's jobs is laying off in soon so he will be out of work so I have been putting off the idea of trying to have another LO after my sons first birthday.

    5.I Miss the Hawaii vacation we took for our babymoon I am so over winter.

    6.I love being a SAHM but I think I am going a bit loopy and driving my friends crazy because I want to go to lunch with them but I want to bring the LO and when I get there all I can talk about is my LO.....90% of my friends are not parents.

    7.I am very tired and I do not know why. LO usually STTN but he is such a quiet sleeper I get up and check on him A LOT

    8. Right now LO is watching Lilo and Stitch with me poor boy, mommy loves cartoons.

    9. Yesterday we watched how to train your dragon, LO loves dragons he was one for Halloween he got a kick out of it. They are making a how to train your dragon 2 I am probably more excited then my LO hehehe.

    10. LO is trying to take the laptop. jeez he is strong.


    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers image       image




    image A look at my future


  • 1. We are going out for supper tonight.
    2. Need to make DD some baby food, puffs for lunch aren't very healthy.
    3. I am so tired lately.
    4. I already worked out for the day.
    5. Need to scrub the shower down.
    6. I sold my horse last week. I don't have the time for her and its getting expensive to board her for no reason.
    7. Number 6 has me a little sad.
    8. My dog is driving me nuts.
    9. DH still hasn't clued in that he missed v day. :(
    10. Men are dumb. See #9
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • 1. I am so sick of snow 
    2. DD is sick with a cold again :( 
    3. SD is driving all of her parents nuts with her preteen attitude 
    4. I have to go into work next week to give my availability and vacation picks for the next year.
    5. I'm dreading going in because it makes returning to work seem like its coming so fast.
    6.It took 45 mins to take DS to school this morning because of the snow. 
    7. I have no idea how the font changed or how to turn it back.
    8. DH was an hour and 15 mins late coming home tonight .
    9. I was ready to pull my hair out a half hour in. 
    10. I am over winter and can't wait till we go camping this summer  

  • 1.  I feel like I am on vaca now that LO is sleeping in his own crib
    2.  the weather is warming up here and it is putting me in a good mood
    3.  so looking forward to the weekend
    4.  just getting around to planning LO's christening now
    5.  i haven't been great with my new  year resolutions this year.
    6.  LO always sleeps when my babysitter comes and sometimes I feel I am wasting money
    7.  haven't watched the olympics
    8.  I am catching up on Vampire Diaries now that LO is sleeping on his own
    9.  I know it is cliche to say our LO's are growing fast..but they seriously are
    10.  feeling thankful today

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