Trouble TTC

Intro (loss mentioned)

kaynix21kaynix21 member
edited February 2014 in Trouble TTC
Hi, I'm Kayla, I'm 26. DH and I have been TTC since May 2012.

Last summer I got all the testing done while my DH was about to come home from deployment so we get a jump on things (TTC'd for a year before he left). We did two cycles on clomid. No testing or follicles or whatever - that's never been an option offered to us.

I had awful side effects on clomid, the second cycle I had really severe and scary headaches and I called my doc and we decided to not do clomid again. She set me up to see a specialist. The day of that appt I took a test and got a BFP. I did the math and was about four weeks. I MC'd two weeks later. It's been 5 weeks since my MC....I would have been 11 weeks pregnant today.

DH and I decided to wait on the specialist and take a couple months before we go that route. DH is encourage since I became's possible. I'm not sure. It took nearly two years and it ended in a loss so I'm pretty upset with the entire thing.

I just finished my 5th pill of Fermera (today is CD7 and side effects weren't terrible). We've talked about TTC with fermera for 3 or 4 cycles and if that doesn't work we will go to the specialist. It's hard with DH's military schedule, this month we have a chance to TTC but he probably won't be home again on the right days until May or so....

So that's me. That's my story. I just through it was time I stop going through this alone. 

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

TTC: Started May 2012
Bloodwork - potential ovulation issue which seemed to be fixed by clomid.
SA - Mot (36%) and count low 9.3 mil (updated) 
HSG - Oct 16 2013 - came back clear
Clomid #1 - Nov. 2013 - BFN
BFP#1 =  Clomid #2, Dec. 2013 - EDD 9.9.14 Loss Jan 9
Femara #1 + Trigger (2/21) Feb. 2014 +ruptured ovarian cyst - BFN
SIS clear
April 2014: 50IU Follistim CD3-CD9 + 25IU CD10-CD13+CD13 trigger 1 mature follie= BFN
IUI #1: May 2014 50IU Follistim + trigger + IUI = BFN
IUI #2: June 2014 50IU Follistim + IUI (3 mil sperm)=  BFN
TI #2: June 2014 50IU Follistim  + Trigger = BFN
BFP#2 = IUI# 3: Aug 2014 75IU Follistim+ Trigger + IUI (2 mil sperm) EDD May 15

BabyFruit Ticker

 Love bugs unite!
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Re: Intro (loss mentioned)

  • So I did the HSG test and that came back fine. Plus all the blood work. I did the CD3 bloodwork and the CD21 bloodwork. My CD21 bloodwork came back a little low, they said my number was a 4.5, should be more like a 10? Once on clomid it went up to an 18.....

    And they did a SA on DH and it was ok. Motility wasn't amazing but they thought we could get pregnant anyways.

    My OB seemed to think there was no reason we couldn't, esp after getting a BFP on clomid.

    Yes we have to deal with TriCare and all of that....and after seeing all these posts that people are actually monitored while on clomid and fermera, I think I'll call the RE this week and get OB never mentioned anything like that. She gave me the prescription, told me what days to take it, and to BD every other day starting CD10..... and that was about I'm thinking a call to the RE is on my to do list. 

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    TTC: Started May 2012
    Bloodwork - potential ovulation issue which seemed to be fixed by clomid.
    SA - Mot (36%) and count low 9.3 mil (updated) 
    HSG - Oct 16 2013 - came back clear
    Clomid #1 - Nov. 2013 - BFN
    BFP#1 =  Clomid #2, Dec. 2013 - EDD 9.9.14 Loss Jan 9
    Femara #1 + Trigger (2/21) Feb. 2014 +ruptured ovarian cyst - BFN
    SIS clear
    April 2014: 50IU Follistim CD3-CD9 + 25IU CD10-CD13+CD13 trigger 1 mature follie= BFN
    IUI #1: May 2014 50IU Follistim + trigger + IUI = BFN
    IUI #2: June 2014 50IU Follistim + IUI (3 mil sperm)=  BFN
    TI #2: June 2014 50IU Follistim  + Trigger = BFN
    BFP#2 = IUI# 3: Aug 2014 75IU Follistim+ Trigger + IUI (2 mil sperm) EDD May 15

    BabyFruit Ticker

     Love bugs unite!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • I have an appt scheduled with an RE on Friday, hoping for some decent news and getting monitoring started ASAP.

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    TTC: Started May 2012
    Bloodwork - potential ovulation issue which seemed to be fixed by clomid.
    SA - Mot (36%) and count low 9.3 mil (updated) 
    HSG - Oct 16 2013 - came back clear
    Clomid #1 - Nov. 2013 - BFN
    BFP#1 =  Clomid #2, Dec. 2013 - EDD 9.9.14 Loss Jan 9
    Femara #1 + Trigger (2/21) Feb. 2014 +ruptured ovarian cyst - BFN
    SIS clear
    April 2014: 50IU Follistim CD3-CD9 + 25IU CD10-CD13+CD13 trigger 1 mature follie= BFN
    IUI #1: May 2014 50IU Follistim + trigger + IUI = BFN
    IUI #2: June 2014 50IU Follistim + IUI (3 mil sperm)=  BFN
    TI #2: June 2014 50IU Follistim  + Trigger = BFN
    BFP#2 = IUI# 3: Aug 2014 75IU Follistim+ Trigger + IUI (2 mil sperm) EDD May 15

    BabyFruit Ticker

     Love bugs unite!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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  • Welcome and sorry for your loss, also sorry you have to be here. I had to learn by coming to this board about Clomid monitoring as well. I am glad you are going to the RE so quickly after finding this out, it took me forever with my insurance! These ladies are a great resource and I hope you find support and wisdom here like I have!

    Me: 26 DH: 29. TTC since 8/2011.
    Amenorrhea/Anovulation since 9/2011.
    Monthly Provera since 10/2011
    SA: Normal HSG: Normal
    TTC under NP no scans, only labs:
    Clomid 50 mg 9/2012- BFN
    Clomid 50mg 10/2012-BFN
    OB refused to refer to RE
    Stopped Clomid for a yr- Only provera & TI
    Clomid 100mg 10/2013 IUI cancelled (no good follies)
    Clomid 150mg 11/2013-good follies! +trigger IUI#1 12/4/2013= BFN

    *New RE in 2014*

    Letrazole 5mg & IUI in 2/2014= BFP!!! on 3/4/14 Beta #1- 79 Beta #2 275

    EDD 11/13/2014

    ~~All Are Welcome~~

    BabyFruit Ticker


  • Welcome and sorry for your lost. Hopefully, your stay will be short. Glad to hear that you were able to get in with a specialist so quickly.
    Me: 37 DH: 41
    Dx: Endometriosis
    TTC May 2012
    Jan 2014 IUI#1: BFN
    Feb 2014 IUI #2: BFP
    Beta #1: 403
    First u/s: 3/14 It is TWINS!!
    EDD: 11/12/2014 ~ Boys x2
    ~~ All welcomed ~~

  • Good luck and welcome!  I hope you are able to get in to an RE soon... that's my next step, too.  
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