Please don't. It is a last name that should have never got on board on the last name for first name trend and is 8 trillion times worse on a girl. sorry.
Married my best friend on 5/14/05
Three Girls: Bits 2/08 Biscuit 10/09 & Sweet Chuck 2/12 One Favorite son: Suishy Smalls 6/14 And another Princess coming 7/16
Re: Parker for a girl?
DS born Oct. '11
TTC #2 with PCOS since Nov. '13
Dx: Low Progesterone (3.3) on 8/12/14
Waiting for RE appointment on 10/28/14
Surprise BFP on cycle 12 -- 10/19/14!
EDD July 1, 2015
Married: November 2015
Three Girls: Bits 2/08 Biscuit 10/09 & Sweet Chuck 2/12
One Favorite son: Suishy Smalls 6/14
And another Princess coming 7/16
Our family blog
Trust me, kids will think of this
My furchildren, Dorothy and Johnny