SO I just found out I was pregnant (I am thinking probably a singleton pregnancy since I have identical twin boys ...3 1/2 ...what are the chances of twins again)....I am due October 25 and my best friend is getting marries Oct. 12th. It is a local wedding - early morning brunch ceremony & reception. With my twins I was induced at 36 1/2 weeks ...although I always measured a week ahead and based of my cycles I think I was actually 37 1/2 weeks. I had very bad swelling and although I did not have much protein traces in my urine, I was seeing shooting stars so they decided to go ahead and induce me ealry. The boys were both health almost 7lbs each and no NICU time...praise God!
So for those moms who have had twins & a singleton, did you have different symptoms with your singleton pregnancy? I know no two pregnancies are alike but I am just wondering if the reason I had such bad swelling and needed to be induced was purely because I was pregnant with twins. I am hoping this pregnancy I do not have such bad swelling. but even if I am a kankled, swollen, hot mess lol...I am going to try my very best to make it to her wedding. Also how long did you carry your singelton vs. twin pregnancy? Thanks
Re: 8 Months Pregnant Matron of Honor - Question for moms with a Singleton and Twins :)