
8 Months Pregnant Matron of Honor - Question for moms with a Singleton and Twins :)

SO I just found out I was pregnant (I am thinking probably a singleton pregnancy since I have identical twin boys ...3 1/2 ...what are the chances of twins again)....I am due October 25 and my best friend is getting marries Oct. 12th.  It is a local wedding - early morning brunch ceremony & reception.  With my twins I was induced at 36 1/2 weeks ...although I always measured a week ahead and based of my cycles I think I was actually 37 1/2 weeks.  I had very bad swelling and although I did not have much protein traces in my urine, I was seeing shooting stars so they decided to go ahead and induce me ealry.  The boys were both health almost 7lbs each and no NICU time...praise God! 

So for those moms who have had twins & a singleton, did you have different symptoms with your singleton pregnancy?  I know no two pregnancies are alike but I am just wondering if the reason I had such bad swelling and needed to be induced was purely because I was pregnant with twins.  I am hoping this pregnancy I do not have such bad swelling.  but even if I am a kankled, swollen, hot mess lol...I am going to try my very best to make it to her wedding.   Also how long did you carry your singelton vs. twin pregnancy?  Thanks :) 

Re: 8 Months Pregnant Matron of Honor - Question for moms with a Singleton and Twins :)

  • Swelling can be worse with multiples, but if your symptoms last time were more like pre-e there is an elevated chance that you will have it again. 

    Honestly, I'd make sure your friend is OK with the (very likely) possibility that you won't be able to be in her wedding at the last minute or I'd decline the MOH role altogether and attend as a guest. Your EDD is so close to the wedding and so much can happen between now and then. I had very few complications with my L&D/recoveries (I've experienced both types) and there's no way I would've been ready to be in a wedding party, let alone a MOH, either at 38wks or so quickly postpartum. Pictures, MOH duties, standing for lengthy periods of time, engorgement, and needing to tend to a newborn in between would not have been fun. Just some things to consider.

    My singleton was born at 40 weeks 1 day. My twins were 37 weeks.
    J13 May Siggy Challenge: People lacking in common sense raise my blood pressure.

    DD 8/11 | DS1 7/13 | DS2 7/13
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  • Well I TOTALLY agree with what you all are saying but before she even decided on her wedding date I told her we were TTC right after the new year...and there was a high chance I may be pregnant around October if we get pregnant right away.  And she still chose Oct 12th as her date....which of course I understand...she can't revolve her life around me.   She is going on a cruise directly after the reception. And purposely did not have a cruise wedding and had it at a resteraunt by the port just in case I was pregnant I could still hopefully be there.  Which of course makes me feel awful that my due date is SO close to her wedding.  She is well aware that I am going to be huge and probably uncomfortable...which I am fine with...she is like a sister to me and I am going to do everything I can to be there.  I will of course tell her that if she prefers me to not be the MOH I totally 110% understand.  When I mentioned that to her before she said I was crazy and that she understands no matter what happens.  Once I found out I was pregnant I even said I was willing to buy a maternity dress and a regular bridesmaids dress just in case.  Do you think I should have a sit down convo one more time and make sure she is ok with all the different scenarios?  I am just so torn.  She is SO anti- wedding anyway.  She wishes they could just elope but her hubby actually loves social things so they are compromising with a small brunch wedding. Super quick ceremony and then no dancing other that just the 1st dance/ father-daughter dance. So I don't think it should be quite as intense as some weddings.  Praying it will all work out but also feeling worried!  
  • With that due date, your baby will actually be term on the wedding date. My singleton arrived at 37 1/2 weeks.
  • I'm w/ MrsLee. You could easily be in labor or have a newborn at that point. Committing to being a MOH probably isn't the best idea, unless your friend has a Plan B or MOH "understudy" in mind.
  • With my singleton I had massive swelling. When I put my crocs on towards the end, there were hole marks on the top of my feet from the top of the crocs...and those were the only shoes that fit. I had my DS at 40 weeks + 1 day. Jeez, the swelling was so bad mt toes hurt bc they felt like they were going to burst.
    Me: 34 - low ovarian reserve
    DH: 40 - no issues  

    3 failed IUI's 

    IVF #1 3/12 - 13 eggs, 9 fertilized,  2 transferred (1 grade 2 blast, 1 early blast), no frosties, 3/30/12 - 9dp5dt spotting, BFNs

    IVF #2. 7/12 - 18 days of stims, 3 mature eggs, 3 fertilized (ICSI), 3 transferred (9, 8, 7 cell) on day 3.  First beta - 8/21/12 = 105, beta #2 - 8/23/12 = 268, beta #3 - 8/30/12 = 2,352. 2nd u/s - 9/4/12. Baby Boy born 5/1/2013.

    IVF #3 Now (12/13). AMH is very low - 0.19. ER (12/5) 12 eggs, 10 mature, 7 fertilized using ICSI. 3 transferred (8,8,8 cell - all grade 2) on day 3. First beta - 12/21/13 = 126, beta #2 - 12/23/13 = 400, beta #3 - na (office was closed for new year's). First sonogram - TWINS aka OMG! -  

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