That's my "fall back" hair cut. And I always end up going back to it b/c, well, it's what looks best.
My hair right now --- UGH! It's about shoulder length. Thin, frizzy, disgusting color. EEK!
But I would love to be able to pull off longer hair so I just keep being delusional and avoiding the cut --- but it's getting to be that time.
I would love to see a pic of your pixie cut. I would LOVE to go that short but honestly don't feel as though I could pull it off.
Re: HastetheDay
Lol, I'll see what I can find.
I like my hair short because it's super fine and doesn't have much body. When it's short, it's much easier to style and just does more. Or does nothing at all, which works with short hair. =o) I loved being able to just pull some pomade through it and go.
But, the last time I had my hair that short was pre-kids and probably not really in style right now.(?) Also I was about 30 lbs thinner so that probably helped. =o/?
My hair is pretty sad right now too. I'd love to get a good cut and color. ?
Off to look for a picture!?