So, my mom informed me that powder detergent can cause damage to septic tanks. I had no idea.... I would like to continue to cloth diaper but if in the long run it may pose a problem with our septic, well then that isn't good. We use freetimes and best bottoms only. I read that on the down side of using powder detergent, they contain more chemicals than the liquids and the sodium sulfates in the powder is what causes problems with the septic tank. Finding this out Makes me somewhat upset as the whole reason to cloth diaper is to have baby less exposed to chemicals. Anyone use liquid detergents for cloth? I don't want the chemicals or damage to my septic.
Re: Powder vs Liquid detergent
Someone was just talking about this the other day. The problem is the binding agents that keep the liquid from separating are petroleum based so they are attracted to synthetic fibers and can cause build up. Did I get that right?
The severity of the problems caused by liquid has a lot to do with the hardness of your water I think.
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