
confusing first ultrasound...could be twins?

I posted this in my month board but I thought maybe someone here might have more experience. I had my first us today and I thought I would be 7 weeks based on my lmp. However, I wasn't charting and never have so I have no idea when I ovulated. When they did the ultrasound they said it was measuring behind but that the sac was split so it could be twins or one part of the split could be a clot. However, they said without bloodwork or ovulation date they have no way to solve the puzzle at this time. They took blood and will update me on Monday. However, I was just wondering if anyone had experience with any of this. I am not sure how to take all this information!

Re: confusing first ultrasound...could be twins?

  • Was there anything inside the sac?
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  • My first u/s was 7w and both sacs clearly had babies in them. I don't know what might be going on in your case but good luck.

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  • Tech said they might have yolks in them but couldn't tell for sure. I mean it's entirely possible that I ovulate late or something because I really have no idea. I don't keep track and we have sex often enough that I couldn't even base it off that. I just am not real sure what's going on. I dont want to get my hopes up but I don't want to be upset all weekend over nothing either.
  • Only time will tell at this point. Probably wont know until your next ultrasound

     POS+April 2009-M/c May 2009, POS+July 2009-M/c Aug 2009, POS+ Novemeber 2009 -Baby Boy Charlie DOB 07/06/2010, POS+July 2011-M/c and D&C Aug 2011, POS+Dec 2011 -Baby Boy Ethan DOB 07/27/2012, POS+Aug 2013-TWIN BOYS! Jack and Miles born March 23rd 2014!!



  • When did you get a + test? Do you have any idea how long your cycles usually are?
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  • My u/s at 6w was very clear, two sacs with beans and two heartbeats.
  • I guess I'm confused about the description that the sac looked split. I had identical twins with one gestational sac (mo-di) and the sac didn't look split - it was one sac with two heart beats. It would be too early to see if there were two amniotic sacs inside or not. If you were having di-di twins, you have two gestational sacs, not one that looks split??
    Married 8/2008. IVF with PGD March 2013.
    3/22 ER: 25R, 20M, 15F. 9 genetically normal, and 3 survived to Day 5
    3/27 ET: transferred 1 embryo, beta 9dp5dt=163, 12dp5dt=639
    4/25 1st ultrasound at 7 weeks = identical twins with heartbeats?!!!
    PPROM at 31w, delivery at 32 weeks of two beautiful girls
  • I agree you'll have to wait for the answer, especially since blood work cannot tell you if there are twins or not. Are you going in for a second blood draw and u/s on Monday?

    At 6wks we very clearly saw 2 fetal poles, 2 yolk sacs, and 2 heartbeats inside a single gestation sac. The separating membrane wasn't found till later in my pregnancy.
    J13 May Siggy Challenge: People lacking in common sense raise my blood pressure.

    DD 8/11 | DS1 7/13 | DS2 7/13
  • Di-di does look like two different sacs

     POS+April 2009-M/c May 2009, POS+July 2009-M/c Aug 2009, POS+ Novemeber 2009 -Baby Boy Charlie DOB 07/06/2010, POS+July 2011-M/c and D&C Aug 2011, POS+Dec 2011 -Baby Boy Ethan DOB 07/27/2012, POS+Aug 2013-TWIN BOYS! Jack and Miles born March 23rd 2014!!



  • My first u/s was at 6w5d - it was very clear that there were two sacs, two babies and two (beautiful) beating hearts

    Sounds like it will be a waiting game in your case.
    This exactly. If it was really early maybe the split sac could also be the baby's yolk sac?
    Did they try to date you? My doc dated me by my ladt menstrual cycle. I think not a lot of people chart.
    image    image    image    image

  • ceechieceechie member
    edited February 2014
    I had issues like this with my first two singletons. They always struggled with dating and finding heartbeats until I was about 9-10 weeks. Then, I was always given a due date based on measurements that was about 1-2 weeks later than lmp.
    I don't know about the split sac, but if they are thinking you're not as far along as you thought, it's just going to be a waiting game. Good luck!!!
  • On Monday they are going to tell me the blood results and what to do next but so far nothing further is actually scheduled. As for the split, I don't know. I am not sure the u/s tech knew 100% what she was talking about in general based on how she was wording things. So, her explanations weren't too clear. The doctor commented about how she didn't write too much on the chart to explain her finings either. Hopefully if we get another u/s scheduled it's with another person. I really like my doctor, but the tech wasn't that helpful. She basically was like "well, it doesn't look like 7 weeks but the sac is split so it could be twins or a clot" but she didn't try to say what it was measuring other than it was "hard to tell and see".
  • I wish more docs would do their own u/s :) I love when I can get direct feedback and don't have to wait for the doc to look at the pics.
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