Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
--2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Do you do anything special to remind yourself of your strength in your faith on holidays/anniversaries?
Any new struggles/revelations this week?
Re: Faith Friday
Well, I haven't made it through an anniversary yet, but over the holidays I was just praying for strength, praying to get through it.
Any new struggles/revelations this week?
This past week I made my blog public (I have been blogging since pregnant with DS1 and then all through Colton's pregnancy and our loss) and had set it to private but really felt God nudging me to make it public. After doing so, I felt as though I had nothing to write about and prayed about it and within half an hour had a number of ideas come to mind. It was an exciting reminder that God is working and just how important community is for me as I deal with my grief.
Any new struggles/revelations this week? It took nearly two months for me to come to this conclusion but as painful as this is and as much as I still cry over my baby, I think I'm going to be ok. I still do struggle, and probably always will, with the "Why". A few weeks before I got pregnant my best friend passed away so its been a rough 6 months for my relationship with God.
NTNP 2009-2012 TTC since 2012:
Jack has handpicked his sibling up there
My blog about IF and loss ... Kate's IF Blog
Any new struggles/revelations this week? This week and really the last couple weeks I've just felt this assurance and peace that God is Good. Despite what has happened, despite my roller coaster of emotions, God is still Good. He is still the same God He was before our son died. And He is just. I don't understand it in the context of losing our son, but I know it deep down inside. He is good and He is just. Our son's name means God is Just. Every time I say his precious name I am reminded of who God is.
Any new struggles/revelations this week?