@Fredalina I was wondering if you could help me. My FIL and Mom both dislike their current seats. We are planning on switching up our car seats in a few months when the Diono seats come out. Rosie will be turning 4 in August. I know we will not be putting her into a booster at 4. She's not mature enough for it and she's 6-7lbs short of 40lbs. We were planning on getting 2 Evenflo SecureKid 400 seats for my Mom and my FIL. However, since my Mom doesn't take them too often and my FIL has a small car I was looking at one of those travel vests. Could you enlighten me on them?
Also, Rosie at her last appt was 32lbs and 37 inches tall. She's probably grown a bit since then, but not much. Thank you!
Re: Fredalina
Also, I'm still kind of pissed at your IL's for ya. That was crappy of them to do that. Luckily Char is safe!