We have finalized the funeral and memorial service plans for Nathaniel. The memorial service will be on Sunday with a visitation starting a 1 and the service at 2:30. We are expecting there to possibly be hundreds of people there.
The service will be held at Burnett-Dane Funeral Home in Libertyville, IL (Chicago area). Information can be found on their website
https://www.burnett-dane.comunder Nathaniel Cooksey.
Abigail Grace 9/7/10
Nathaniel Willis born sleeping 2/6/14
Felicity Hope 4/6/15
Re: Update on dadalou
8/12-Suprise BFP- Sweet Bunny Born Sleeping 11/21/12 (19 weeks)
-5/7/13- MMC (8 Weeks)
11/6/13- BO discovered at 7 weeks- natural MC 11/25/13
8/14- Surpise IF dx...low AMH (.24)- moving on to IVF
IVF #1- 11/14- 6R5M4F=2 perfect frosties
12/19/14- FET of 2 embabies = BFP!!! One Little Bean EDD: 9/3/15
Everyone Welcome.