Baby Names

fugly ass FB names

Harleigh (girl) and Striker (boy). These names could be considered child abuse.
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Re: fugly ass FB names

  • Striker. Ouch.

    N14 Nov. Siggy: CELEBRATION!

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  • A lady in my moms group has a Harlei. wtf is wrong with people? I wouldn't even pronounce that as Harley, looks like har-lay to me.
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  • edited February 2014
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  • I know someone with a Cage. Seriously? Cage is a place some people put animals, not a name for a child.
    TTC since 5/13
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  • I saw a friend of a friend named her daughter kinz.leigh cause you know kinsley isnt you-neek enough for her special snowflake
  • mjreilly2 said:
    I saw a friend of a friend named her daughter kinz.leigh cause you know kinsley isnt you-neek enough for her special snowflake
    I don't this Ken/Kin Sley/Zley/Sleigh/Zleigh trend. I recently met a Kenzley...Not as bad as Kinzleigh, but oi!

    @Meery82 Take two for Striker! I met one last week. I thought the mother was calling her dog. No such luck. Dog was Ruby. One of her sons was Striker (sp?).

    Blech. These poor children.
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  • Striker like Aragorns nickname from LOTR?
    Me-Caciona (30) DH- Dave (41) 9/27/08
    Mommy to Nils David since 9/21/11
    Expecting Serafina Ann  around 4/23/2014


  • I just saw on FB two girls about 6 or 7, Dekohda & Lileigh. You know, Dakota & Lilly would just be too mainstream... :-&

    DS1-7/21/2011 @ 1:51am

    DD-5/29/2013 @ 2:40pm

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  • Striker like Aragorns nickname from LOTR?

    Aragorn was Strider.
  • I recently met a Slade... about 7 yrs old. He was a sweet, sensitive, sort of feminine boy. The name seemed so very very off. I really dislike overly masculine or feminine names, you have no idea who the kid will be! Cage the same chord with me. 

    I knew a boy named Steele growing up. DH knew a Blade. *eye roll* 
  • I know someone with a Cage. Seriously? Cage is a place some people put animals, not a name for a child.

    I know a boy named Cage too! It blows my mind every time I hear them say it at a gathering. "Cage! What are you doing?" "Cage, are you hungry?" My mind automatically goes to a dog kennel.



  • I think I mentioned it a few weeks ago but I saw a baby girl named Ad.leigh Cor.ryn on FB.




  • I went to school with a girl who named her baby girl Harley...after the motorcycles. She was a total biker chick.

    There was another girl I used to work with who was on her 3rd. Her first 2 boys were Draylon and Caibryn. She used to use her breaks smooshing real names together to "invent" new ones for baby #3. I don't even know what she ended up naming it - she quit before she had the baby.




  • These names are just atrocious. And Cage? WTF?!
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  • Mikenzie and Kaiden are only cringe-worthy ones on my FB

  • My FB has a Har.lynn, Mattily.nn, and twin girls Ma.kaylee & Ry.lynn
  • I know someone who always told me she wanted to name a daughter Mattilyn.n after her husband (his name was Matt, obviously). I don't like it at all.

    I used to work with a girl who has a son named C.harge and a daughter named Which I suppose is close enough to Riley to almost sound okay... but not really.
  • Key, for a boy.
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  • Another one from FB: Parsyn. A girl (I think).
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  • I want to play!

    Ryker. It just reminds me of the prison in NY. Which also means I've watched too much Law and Order: SVU.
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  • I just saw a newborn baby Harlea

    TTC #1: February 1, 2014
    BFP #1: 2/21/14 EDD: 10/31/14 (my birthday!) MMC: discovered 3/31/14 (blighted ovum) D&C: 4/3/14 at 9w6d

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    "Everybody wants to be happy. Nobody wants to feel pain but you can't have a rainbow without the rain."

  • What's with all the periods? Is that the new apostrophe in terrible names?'
  • What's with all the periods? Is that the new apostrophe in terrible names?'

    It makes it unsearchable
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  • I know a Stryker.  He is four years old and completely out of control. 
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  • So not actually a Facebook name, but at my kids' school I overheard a dad refer to his daughter as Oz-uh-lin.  So I happened to see where he had signed her in and it was spelled Ozzalyn(n).  Can't remember if there was one or two n's but still!  Ugh so horrible.
    Dee Dee DS Elijah Xin 3/11/05 DD Evangeline Mei 8/24/06
  • There are several Addison Adalyn Adaleigh's on my facebook. Along with a Rylinn. Really not too bad, but I did delete most of the undesirables from my feed. I'm sure there were some gems.
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  • Lurker coming to play. Just saw a Kare.ntyn, and a few weeks ago I saw a
    Mom to I (May 2001), C (Jan. 2004), J (Aug 2006), T (2012)
  • When I see Striker, I think of Ted Striker from the movie Airplane. Or Striker? I already hit her. (Lame Finger Lakes comedian type joke) And Cage? I think of Nick Cage. We are going to steal the Constitution.
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