
Recently Weaned, Now Pregnant, Boobs Not Sore??

I breastfeed my daughter until she was 2 1/4 years old and she stopped nursing mid-December.  I am now 6 weeks pregnant and don't have sore boobs at all.  They felt like boulders with my first pregnancy so is it normal that they don't hurt at all this time?  Is it because the pipes are already laid and in good working order?  Anyone have similar experiences with subsequent pregnancies after breastfeeding for a long time?  TIA!




Re: Recently Weaned, Now Pregnant, Boobs Not Sore??

  • Mine never hurt, ached, leaked, swelled or twitched with DD1. She never latched and I ended up EP'ing. All parts were on working order once my milk came in. In fact, I pumped double what she took.
    With DD2, I had minor achiness in the beginning, slight growth and started leaking around 30 weeks.
    Point- all pregnancies are different! Enjoy the happy boobs! And congrats!
  • I weaned DD at 14 months and became pg the next month. My boobs have not been sore or leaked at all this entire pregnancy.. With DD they were sore first tri.
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  • Mine were so tender with baby 1 but not at all with this one (I'm 10 weeks and bfing 2x a day). Maybe bfing makes a difference? Or maybe its just because its a different pregnancy? Good luck, I was worried too but things seem to be fine :)


  • Only at about first in 2 or 3 weeks, my boobs were sore. From 6 to now I'm in 8 weeks, no sore at all. I don't have any of sore. It just thing :) 
  • My daughter didn't wean until 2 & 1/2, when I had a major dip in supply and was already trying to wean her anyway in hopes it would help with TTC (we'd been trying with no luck for a few cycles). Lo and behold, the drop in supply was because I was pregnant! So the boobs never really got any "time off". I'm 24 weeks now, and never had the horribly achy soreness of my first pregnancy. My nipples are VERY sensitive, though, starting maybe around week 17 or so. No sign of leakage so far, but I won't be surprised if I start in the 3rd tri, as I had to use nursing pads 24/7 for about the first two years with DD.
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