I've officially lost it. This morning I woke up at 4am from the worse dream ever. I dreamed that i went to a new RE who was doing ultrasounds on a bunch of women in a big room. He kept yelling "There's your baby congrats!". I watched about 4 people get ultrasounds and squeal in delight. So....it was my turn and he puts the probe in and suddenly starts making faces. He tells me that my ovaries have a condition called "Rock and Ice" and are now severly capsulized...what-ever-that-means...He then tells me that i won't be getting pregnant anytime soon and it would cost $600 for ovarian wedge drilling. I got off the table and just cried. I woke up crying...and immediately opened my laptop and began googling "Rock and Ice Ovaries"...*sigh*...i know....crazy. I am hoping this is just a bad dream caused by my over-active brain stressing over PCOS, Provera, IF, Clomid, IUI, IVF....everything....OAN: I thought about playing the lotto number 600 or 6000...maybe I'll win and that will be future IVF money....
Me: 31 DH: 30 **** Married 2.16.12
Dx: Me: PCOS (2005), 1 Blocked Tube DH: SA-Perfect Swimmers
2007: Ectopic Pregnancy- never seen on U/S, treated with Methotrexate Injection
2013: (July) First Consult with RE, HSG (July) 1 blocked tube, Sonohysterogram (Sept) All clear
2014: Metformin 1500mg/Provera
Re: Beautiful Nightmare
My Ovulation Chart
TTC #1 since March 2010
DH - SA = Low Morphology. Great overall count.
August 2012: HSG - All Clear
September 2012: Timed Intercourse 100 mg Clomid CD 4-8 w/ Repronex & HCG Injections = BFN
October 2012: Timed Intercourse 100 mg Clomid CD 4-8 = BFN
September 2013: New Doctor: 50 mg Clomid CD 5-9 & IUI #1 = BFN
October 2013: 50 mg Clomid CD 3-7 & IUI #2 = BFN
November 2013 to ??? = On a mental break for now.