Trouble TTC

Beautiful Nightmare

I've officially lost it. This morning I woke up at 4am from the worse dream ever. I dreamed that i went to a new RE who was doing ultrasounds on a bunch of women in a big room. He kept yelling "There's your baby congrats!". I watched about 4 people get ultrasounds and squeal in delight. was my turn and he puts the probe in and suddenly starts making faces. He tells me that my ovaries have a condition called "Rock and Ice" and are now severly capsulized...what-ever-that-means...He then tells me that i won't be getting pregnant anytime soon and it would cost $600 for ovarian wedge drilling. I got off the table and just cried. I woke up crying...and immediately opened my laptop and began googling "Rock and Ice Ovaries"...*sigh*...i know....crazy. I am hoping this is just a bad dream caused by my over-active brain stressing over PCOS, Provera, IF, Clomid, IUI, IVF....everything....OAN: I thought about playing the lotto number 600 or 6000...maybe I'll win and that will be future IVF money....

Me: 31 DH: 30 **** Married 2.16.12

 Dx: Me: PCOS (2005), 1 Blocked Tube  DH: SA-Perfect Swimmers

2007: Ectopic Pregnancy- never seen on U/S, treated with Methotrexate Injection

2013: (July) First Consult with RE, HSG (July) 1 blocked tube, Sonohysterogram (Sept) All clear

2014: Metformin 1500mg/Provera

Re: Beautiful Nightmare

  • Wow....that was one heck of dream. I'm sorry it felt so real. 

    MC: 8 weeks July 27,2008
    Amenoria: August 2008
    TTC: Since October 1,2011
    Me: PCOS Husband: Slightly low morphology
    Before RE: Clomid x5 months, resistant
    Cycle 1: Clomid 100mg, Metformin 1500mg, Follistim 75iu x 2, Ovidrel, Progesterone 200mg, IUI: BFN 1.13.14
    Cycle 2: Clomid 100mg, Metformin 1500mg, Follistim 75iu x 4, Follistim 125mg x 2, Ovidrel, IUI: BFN 1.6.14
    IVF w/ ICSI Cycle 1: Metformin 1500mg, Follistim 300iu x5, Menopur, Ganirelix, Ovidril: Egg retrieval: 3.22.14, Embryo Transfer: 3.27.14 , Beta: 4.7.14

  • I have crazy dreams like that all the time!! It's terrible when it seems so real! Especially the ones where you get your BFP or miracle baby in your arms only to wake up and realize it was just a dream!!


    My Ovulation Chart

    TTC #1 since March 2010

    DH - SA = Low Morphology. Great overall count.

    August 2012: HSG - All Clear

    September 2012: Timed Intercourse 100 mg Clomid CD 4-8 w/ Repronex & HCG Injections = BFN

    October 2012: Timed Intercourse 100 mg Clomid CD 4-8 = BFN

    September 2013: New Doctor: 50 mg Clomid CD 5-9 & IUI #1 = BFN

    October 2013: 50 mg Clomid CD 3-7 & IUI #2 = BFN 

    November 2013 to ??? = On a mental break for now.

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