With DS, I was diagnosed with PPROM at 36w3d and induced. I'm nervous about it happening again since there's no way to know why it occurred. Has anyone else experienced it again the second time? TIA
I had it at 36w4d with DD1 and then at 34w4d with DD2....I went into labor myself both times fairly quickly though. I was told progesterone shots would be in my future if I want any more kids!
I PPROMed at 35 weeks and was induced as well. We are going to start TTC in a few months and I'm nervous about it happening again too. I am going to ask about getting the progesterone shots.
I PPROMed at 23w5d with DS and he was born at 26 weeks. They never found a cause. Fast forward a little over 4 years later and I am pg with DD. Everything was good until about 21 weeks when my cervix was shortening. I was placed on SBR for the rest of the pregnancy. I already started progesterone shots which I am sure helped because by the time I was 28 weeks, I was almost completely effaced but cervix was closed until I was induced at 39w4d! So, to answer your question, I didn't have PPROM the 2nd time around, but the whole 2nd half of it was definitely controlled by my fear of it happening again.
I'm new to the board and was going to post a topic similar. With my son I went to my ob at 30w1d complaining of leaking and was told I was just peeing myself and at 30w5d ended up at the hospital with awful cramping and no fluid left due to PPROM from ecoli passing through the placenta. Now 16 months later, I'm 19w4d (switched my ob) and am petrified of PPROMing again, my ob will not do progesterone shots but will be doing FFN swabs biweekly starting at 22w, have any of you ladies had them done before?
Re: PPROM Round 2?
Now 16 months later, I'm 19w4d (switched my ob) and am petrified of PPROMing again, my ob will not do progesterone shots but will be doing FFN swabs biweekly starting at 22w, have any of you ladies had them done before?