July 2014 Moms

Random thread- for all things random.


Re: Random thread- for all things random.

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    We have a headrest insert thing for our car seat that keeps little mans head from flopping all around. Today we went out on our own for the first time and on the way home he decided he is pissed. He throws his head forward out of the insert and his head is resting on his chest clip. I freak out, pull over and fix his head. I start driving again. Immediately he does it again. He cries. I start crying. He screams newborn nonsense at me. I scream HOW DO OTHER MOTHERS DO THIS at the universe. We both cry the rest of the way home. Nothing I try will keep this kids head from flopping all around. I am scared to leave the house alone because I am afraid his head will flop forward, I will hit a bump in the road and his neck or head will be injured. I need to be able to leave the house alone but it freaks me out.



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    I'm drinking Sweet Baby Jebus chocolate peanut butter beer and eating TJ's dark chocolate peanut butter cups.

    It is an awesome substitute for sex at the moment. I highly recommend it.

    Chocolate peanut butter beer? I have never heard of this. Very interested. :). Where do you find such an animal?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Wine. Super fuck yeah! That is all.
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    I'm drinking Sweet Baby Jebus chocolate peanut butter beer and eating TJ's dark chocolate peanut butter cups.

    It is an awesome substitute for sex at the moment. I highly recommend it.

    Chocolate peanut butter beer? I have never heard of this. Very interested. :). Where do you find such an animal?
    We get it at our local beer garden...they have all sorts of yummy micro brew type beers there. :)



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    I should be in bed but Dateline has sucked me in (:|
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    dobbyisfreedobbyisfree member
    edited August 2014
    Seriously, nobody had anything to say in any thread between feedings???? What am I supposed to read for this one?!?!? :*(

    (Apparently the characters I thought made a crying face make a kiss)
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    MSUDucks said:

    Hugs @browneyedtornado‌ ! Those first few car drives with infants are terrifying. The only thing I can think of is making sure you've triple checked the angle of your carseat and it's base? A lot of times people have to use a towel or pool noodle to get it level, I know we do. That may help with keeping his head back?

    Thanks, part of the problem is that our seats slant farther forward so it adds extra gravity to his head.



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    Both of my wrists are in soooo much pain.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I'm drinking Sweet Baby Jebus chocolate peanut butter beer and eating TJ's dark chocolate peanut butter cups. It is an awesome substitute for sex at the moment. I highly recommend it.
    Chocolate peanut butter beer? I have never heard of this. Very interested. :). Where do you find such an animal?
    DuClaw brewery out of Maryland. Got me some too.

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    I'm drinking Sweet Baby Jebus chocolate peanut butter beer and eating TJ's dark chocolate peanut butter cups.

    It is an awesome substitute for sex at the moment. I highly recommend it.

    Chocolate peanut butter beer? I have never heard of this. Very interested. :). Where do you find such an animal?

    DuClaw brewery out of Maryland. Got me some too.

    Thanks! I had already put the bottle down in the recycling bin, and I didn't remember!



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    I can't stop eating peanut butter. I've already eaten all the bread, apples, and bananas we had so now I'm just eating it on a spoon.
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    It's been one of *those* days with the kids.  DH works out in the mornings on the weekends and his workouts are at least 2 hours long (he runs for on average 7 miles before starting to lift).  Usually he'll take DS with him and use the kid's club, but today he left him home because of some excuse.  He was home by lunch, so he made DS's lunch while I fed DD.  Once I was done, he asked me when she would be eating again (3pm) and proceeded to make me a margarita.  Doesn't totally make up for the morning, but I'll take it.
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    Well well!! Lili is one year and two days old as of today. I managed to make it this entire year without her falling off of anything.

    Today, she fell off of our bed. I'm so damn sleepy, I feel asleep while she was playing on the bed. I had her foot in my hand. (So I thought) next thing I know I hear a loud thump and then my little poptart starting wailing! Man, I flew out of bed to rescue her. I feel like shit!! Now she has a bruise above her eyebrow. :(

    We have our "Irish Twins"

    DD born 8/7/2013

    DS born 7/28/14


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    @TexasGirl81 DS fell of the bed in a hotel room when he was 9 months old.  He got a black eye and a lovely scab because of the low pile carpet in the room.  And we were cross-country visiting family for our niece's Bat Mitzvah.  All of the family pictures from that have lovely evidence of our outstanding parenting.
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    Shhhh...it's time for Outlander..



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    @TexasGirl81 DS fell of the bed in a hotel room when he was 9 months old.  He got a black eye and a lovely scab because of the low pile carpet in the room.  And we were cross-country visiting family for our niece's Bat Mitzvah.  All of the family pictures from that have lovely evidence of our outstanding parenting.

    That's exactly what I said. Mother of the year here! I know a fall was bound to happen sooner or later. Still feel like a douche!

    We have our "Irish Twins"

    DD born 8/7/2013

    DS born 7/28/14


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    DS has been cluster feeding all day. Every hour he is on my boob or he's screaming. We tried a 4oz bottle to see if it calmed him, still had to eat again an hour later. I don't know what to do for him he seems so miserable and hungry. He is 5 weeks and I am getting worried he's not getting enough calories from me? I'm at my wits end, I feel so bad for him and my poor nipples can't take much more. I hate seeing him upset but I don't know what to do.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    BPaws said:

    When DS was about 9 months old he rolled off the change table. I was standing right there, and in my haste to catch him, completely kneed him in the head. He would have probably landed on the carpeted floor on his butt and been fine, but because I rammed his head with my knee trying to catch him, he whacked his head off the 1st change table shelf and then the second and then hit the floor. I still feel like a complete ass about that one. He was black and blue for weeks (and I totally brought him into the ER as well).

    Whoa! That sounded pretty intense. I'm do sorry that happened. I'm sure I have many more bumps and falls to overcome. :-S

    We have our "Irish Twins"

    DD born 8/7/2013

    DS born 7/28/14


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    Note to self: Opening up the storage totes of pre-pregnancy clothes 1 week pp is a bad idea that will only lead to tears. Don't do it again any time soon.

    I feel you :( bad idea. All my bottoms are now on the top shelf in my closet so i dont try it again anytime soon
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Note to self: Opening up the storage totes of pre-pregnancy clothes 1 week pp is a bad idea that will only lead to tears. Don't do it again any time soon.
    I told myself it's already almost mid-August, no sense in taking out my regular summer clothes now. I'll be wearing my maternity shorts for the next few weeks. Then we'll see about fitting into my jeans. :P
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    Note to self: Opening up the storage totes of pre-pregnancy clothes 1 week pp is a bad idea that will only lead to tears. Don't do it again any time soon.

    I feel you :( bad idea. All my bottoms are now on the top shelf in my closet so i dont try it again anytime soon
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Note to self: Opening up the storage totes of pre-pregnancy clothes 1 week pp is a bad idea that will only lead to tears. Don't do it again any time soon.
    I feel you :( bad idea. All my bottoms are now on the top shelf in my closet so i dont try it again anytime soon

    I have read a few posts here about ladies in pre pregnancy clothes. 
    At 6weeks pp, I'm not one of them.  I don't like wearing maternity clothes bc then I get asked about my due date.  I have a few elastic waist bottoms I'm always wearing.


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    My boss just texted me saying she has to cut down my hours to 15 a week and she can no longer pay for my mileage. I'm a nanny. This is 2 weeks before I'm supposed to go back to work. I won't make enough money to keep this job now.. I have 2 weeks to find a new job. Great! :(
    Oh gosh, that's horrible (and pretty fucked up timing). I'm so sorry. 

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    C-sections are expensive, yo.

    Just got a bill for 2112.12 out of pocket.

    What a buzzkill.
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    Is it weird that I've been texting my substitute for over an hour? My students wanted to see a pic of the baby since I'm not there...
    Married 02.06.10
    DS1 born 11.19.11
    DS2 born 07.02.14

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    Is it weird that I've been texting my substitute for over an hour? My students wanted to see a pic of the baby since I'm not there...

    No! That's so cute of them, they must really miss you. As long as she isn't a weirdo.

    We have our "Irish Twins"

    DD born 8/7/2013

    DS born 7/28/14


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    Oh my gosh, Robin Williams passed away! I'm completely shocked. Did anyone else hear this yet? News says he committed suicide :( very sad news.
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    Oh my gosh, Robin Williams passed away! I'm completely shocked. Did anyone else hear this yet? News says he committed suicide :( very sad news.

    Yes!!!!! That's freaking crazy. I got a breaking news update on my phone and my jaw dropped.

    We have our "Irish Twins"

    DD born 8/7/2013

    DS born 7/28/14


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    Right! DW and I stopped everything we were doing to watch. I can't imagine what his family is going through during this time. My thoughts are definitely with them!
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    TexasGirl81TexasGirl81 member
    edited August 2014


    Right! DW and I stopped everything we were doing to watch. I can't imagine what his family is going through during this time. My thoughts are definitely with them!

    Very very sad!

    We have our "Irish Twins"

    DD born 8/7/2013

    DS born 7/28/14


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