
Smokers (the ones you make food in - not the people)

I am thinking about getting DH a smoker for his birthday. But I know zero about them. Is it possible to get a good one for less than $200? What should I know when looking for one? I know I have seen a few of you post about using them - just wondering if anyone can lend their expertise.
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Re: Smokers (the ones you make food in - not the people)

  • edited February 2014
    I got dh one for Christmas, I think it's a masterbuilt brand. I think I spent about $179. It's propane, so you do have to fiddle with it a bit to control the temp, but we have used it probably about 7 times and love it so far
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  • I was wondering about the green egg...but since it says to contact a dealer about price, I figured it wasn't cheap. You answered the question for me...I definitely don't have $700!
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  • I've used a few different kinds and really prefer the electric. Especially as a beginner. My mom has a small cabinet and it works great (I think it's this one - )

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  • We have a treager smoker - which are very spendy.  We LOVE it.  Before that we had a very low end smoker that took a lot of tending, but worked reasonably well.  It was not electric.  I am glad we had that one first to make sure we were really "in" to smoking.  I would opt for an electric one to help control the temp.  And get a really good meat thermometer (preferably with two probes).  They key to smoking is to watch the temp of the meat, keep the temp as consistent as possible inside the smoker, and remove it before it dries out.  Good luck!
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    Carson Henry, born 39w, 2d, via emergency c/s due to no fetal movement and fetal distress.  Seizures, IVH grade 2, brain injury, kidney and liver damage.  Complete blood clot in the artery in his right arm.  27 days in the NICU.  Now discharged from all specialists, excepts his kidney doctor, who will monitor him indefinitely.  My tough little cookie.

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