Late Term and Child Loss


I just lost my son, Nathaniel Willis at birth on Thursday, 2/6. He was born full term at 8 pounds 2 ounces and was 20 1/2 inches long by emergency c section. He was absolutely perfect. He just didn't survive the birth because of a freak defect with the placenta and how it was connected to my body. It has been determined that his blood was circulating through my body so he just didn't have any left when he was born.

We were able to have him as much as we wanted at the hospital. So though I was recovering remarkably well we stayed the entire 3 days. We have lots of memories and pictures, but of course it was not enough.

We are doing pretty well with the grief. We also have a 3 year old daughter. She has been a very good distraction since we got home. 
Abigail Grace 9/7/10
Nathaniel Willis born sleeping 2/6/14
Felicity Hope 4/6/15

Re: Intro

  • I am so sorry for the loss of your Nathaniel. Such a beautiful photo of him. It saddens me to welcome you here but please know that you have come to a very supportive placed filled with those who understand. We are here for you.
  • schulme2schulme2 member
    edited February 2014
    I am so sorry for the loss of your Nathaniel. He's absolutely beautiful!! I hope you will find some comfort here. I know, for me, grief has come in waves and there will be tough times to come but please know that we are all here if you need anything.
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  • I am so sorry for the loss of your precious Nathaniel. What a beautiful photo. I know exactly what you mean re: your daughter.  Our DD has been incredibly loving and a bright star in our mourning.

    Wishing you peace.

    EDD 1/8/10 - our sweet sunshine DD born 12/30/09
    EDD 2/15/14 - Stillbirth at 21 wks 10/02/13
    EDD 8/12/15 - MMC 1/12/15
    EDD 12/24/15

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • I'm so sorry for the loss of your son, Nathaniel. Beautiful photo of him. Sending T&P to you and your family. Hugs.
    Ticker id: ra2f

    BFP #2, EDD 12/26/14, please be our rainbow.

  • I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet boy, Nathaniel. He's adorable and I'm glad you got to spend 3 days with him. T & Ps for you and your family. ((hugs))

    TTC since 10/2010
    IUIs # 1-5 = BFFN
    IVF # 1(July 2012) = BFN
    IVF # 2 (November 2012) = BFP (MIssed MC D&C @ 8w3d on 1/10/13)
    IVF # 3 (June 2013) = BFN 
    IVF # 4 (September 2013) = BFP Fraternal twin boys! (Loss at 21w6d due to IC on 1/26/14...devastated.)
    3/21/14--TAC (transabdominal cerclage) w/Dr. Davis in NJ
    IVF # 5 (May 2014) = BFN
    FET (August 2014) = BFN

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    I am so, so sorry for the loss of your beautiful son - and I appreciate you sharing a picture of Nathaniel with us. He truly is a beautiful boy. It sucks to welcome new moms here, but please know we are here for you whenever you need us. I get the whole distraction son was 3.5 years old when we lost Devon at 34.5 weeks, and he really helped me keep going. He saved me.

    Please turn to us whenever you need. This community has helped me so much, even 18 months after my loss. Sending you lots of hugs, Ts and Ps.


    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • ***Siggy warning***

    I have been thinking about you a lot. I am so thankful for the time you got to spend with him. It is never enough. Please know that we are here for you in any way we can be. The board is not always "fast" or quick to respond, but we will support you on this journey.

    So very sorry for your loss of Nathaniel. 
    Lilypie - (qptF)

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 
    "Elsie Irene was born sleeping at 35w 6d on December 8, 2012. Mommy and Daddy miss you sweet girl."

  • So very sorry for the loss of your beautiful son Nathaniel. We are here for you when ever you need us. Sending thought and prayers your way.

    Brooke Elizabeth born Feb 17, 2013 grew wings May 9, 2013 @ 11 weeks & 4 days old from SIDS



    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers


    PitaPata Dog tickers


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers


    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

  •  I am so sorry for your loss of Nathaniel. Welcome to a very supportive board.
    BFP#1 March24,2011  MC on May 29,2011 BFP#2 Sept,2011 MC Oct 2011 (Molar)
    Started Progestrone Treatment, BFP#3 May 10,2013  PROM/PRL on Sept 7 2013
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickersDaisypath Anniversary tickers   
    image        Use Ovuline to most accurately track your ovulation

  • I am so sorry for the loss of your son.  The picture of him is absolutely adorable.  Please use the board as much as you want...we are all here for you.

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    8/12-Suprise BFP- Sweet Bunny Born Sleeping 11/21/12 (19 weeks)

    -5/7/13- MMC (8 Weeks)

    11/6/13- BO discovered at 7 weeks- natural MC 11/25/13

    8/14- Surpise IF dx...low AMH (.24)- moving on to IVF

    IVF #1- 11/14- 6R5M4F=2 perfect frosties

    12/19/14- FET of 2 embabies = BFP!!!  One Little Bean EDD: 9/3/15

    Everyone Welcome.

  • I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet Nathaniel. He is adorable! I am so sorry that you are having to join us, but know we are here whenever you need us. ((Hugs))
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

    Me: 32 DH: 33  High School Sweethearts  Married 5/28/2005
    DS1 born 6/5/10 at 40 weeks via emergency c-section due to fetal distress and IUGR caused by placental insufficiency
    DS2 born still 8/28/13 at 32 weeks via emergency c-section due to a complete placental abruption - cause unknown
    Baby #3 on the way, EDD 2/29/16.  Originally twins, but we said goodbye to Baby B at 8 weeks.
  • I am so sorry for your loss. Nathaniel is beautiful.
  • I'm so sorry for your loss of your beautiful boy.

    Married August 20th, 2005 to the love of my life.

    1st BFP August 6th, 2010. Missed MC discovered at 13 weeks. 

    2nd BFP January 5th, 2011. Beautiful Harper born September 28th, 2011.

    3rd BFP March 15th, 2013. Treated with methotrexate for ectopic pg at 7 weeks.

    4th BFP August 2nd, 2013. Sweet Micah born sleeping at 21 weeks with full T13. 5th BFP July 1st, 2014. Praying for a healthy, full term rainbow!

  • Thanks everyone. We have gotten a lot of support and love from everyone around us. My family is coming into town tomorrow from Alaska. We have funeral plans started. It will be on Sunday with a graveside service on Monday.

    The next couple of days are going to be really busy finalizing plans and doing stuff with family. Hopefully I will be able to get a little more sleep at night. I have only been getting about 4 hours a night. I had a doctor's appointment this morning and was given some different meds. They seem to be working better than what I was taking originally.
    Abigail Grace 9/7/10
    Nathaniel Willis born sleeping 2/6/14
    Felicity Hope 4/6/15

  • ((Hugs)) I am so sorry for your loss.

    BFP #1 March 24, 2010; missed m/c May 26, 2010 @ 12w 4d; D&E May 28, 2010

    BFP #2 Oct 20, 2010; My little boy was born on July 5, 2011

    BFP #3 April 30, 2013; Chemical Pg May 5, 2013

    BFP #4 Aug 22, 2013; It's a boy.  Loss discovered at 24 weeks on Jan 15, 2014 (cause CMV virus)    

                                  <3 We love and miss you Timothy <3

    BFP #5 April 6, 2014; missed m/c May 15, 2014 @ 9 weeks; Misoprostol May 15, 2014; D&C May June 3, 2014

  • *siggy warning*

    I'm so sorry for the loss of your Nathaniel.  
    Lilypie - Personal picture Lilypie - Personal picture Lilypie - Personal picture 
     DS1 - 7/2011, DD 12/2012, DS2 - 4/2014, MMC - 12/2015
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Siggy warning

    I'm so very sorry for the loss of Nathaniel. He's absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing him with us. I so hate to see new moms here, but this is a great source of comfort and understanding from other moms who have experienced the same thing.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickersLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers


  • I'm so sorry you are here. I just wanted to say I love his picture. I "visit" my son's picture in his nursery every day. You'll be so glad to have it.

    first son stillborn 7/20/13 at 39 weeks due to Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy
    It's a girl! Baby Anna was born August 3, 2014!

  • So sorry for the loss of your sweet baby boy. Welcome to the board though
    Me: 33, Endocrine issues & FVL       DH: 32, Nothing 
    NTNP 2009-2012         TTC since 2012:
    • Clomid, 2 IUI cycles, and 5 IVF cycles = BFN
    • FET #1   August 2013 = BFP!     EDD 5/11/14
    • Jack dx at 19w1d with Dandy Walker on 12/16/13
    • Severe Pre-e /HELLP set in Jack born sleeping at 20w1d on 12/23/13
    • FET #2 --July 2014  BFP!  ---  EDD  4/5/15

    Jack has handpicked his sibling up there :)

    My blog about IF and loss ... Kate's IF Blog

            Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 


                                                                              Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


  • He is beautiful. I have no words as I am new here too. I will add you to my list of people I keep in my heart. ((Hugs))

    DD born on 11/10/2007
    TTC Sept-Nov 2012
    BFP on 10/25/2012 CP 11/1/2012
    Back on BCP
    BFP on 10/13/2013 EDD June 26, 2014 
    Little Girl went to Heaven on January 26, 2014 @ 18 weeks
    TTCAL March 2014-Present
    BFP on 6/20/2014 Blighted Ovum
    BFP on 8/31/2014 It's a GIRL!  EDD May 18, 2015
  • I am so sorry this happened.  You are right - he was (IS) absolutely perfect. 
  • I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful son Nathaniel.
    My prayers are with you and your family.
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