Special Needs

Tomorrow is the day! :UPDATE

RdmaggieRdmaggie member
edited February 2014 in Special Needs
DD starts her 18 hour a week ABA based preschool. I can't believe it... I'm SO thankful that shes going to be getting real help but so overwhelmed. Shes our baby, our one and only and boy its hitting hard. I've been ripping my hair out over the past 2 months waiting for her start date and now its here and....wow, I just want to bawl.

Re: Tomorrow is the day! :UPDATE

  • I totally get it.  Good luck tomorrow!  I'm sure she'll do great.  The first day was way harder on me than DS1.
    To my boys:  I will love you for you Not for what you have done or what you will become I will love you for you I will give you the love The love that you never knew
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  • Thank you Auntie! We had to rewrite her IFSP for EI 3 weeks before she was discharged (thats just how the timing worked out) and one of our goals was that she would be able to recall and share something about her day. I certainly did not think at the time that it was a realistic goal to be accomplished in 3 weeks...but shes blowing my mind every day. <3
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