Natural Birth

List Your Pain Management Techniques!

Okay, for mommas who have gone med-free before, can you list out some of your most successful positions, coping mechanisms, pain relief techniques? I'm due in 3 weeks with my second, but it's my first try for med-free. We aren't following a specific method and I've read some positions and "tricks," but I want to know which ones worked for you so I can sort of compile a big list of things to try when I'm in labor. The bigger the list, the more tricks in the basket to try out and keep me busy!

Re: List Your Pain Management Techniques!

  • For me it was water. I labored in the tub on my hands and knees at home and when I got to the hospital. The warm water took the edge off my contractions I had back labor so my H/doula would pour warm water over my lower back with a cup. It helped ease my pain there. When I was walking into the hospital and waiting to get a room it was swaying. Swaying my body helped focus my attention somewhere else and off my contractions.
  • Keep moving! staying still or laying down is the worst thing you can do.
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  • yoga ball was great for rotating my hips as LO descended.
    squatted helped and water was amazing.
    slow breathing and visualization helped too; I pictured each contraction as a wave hitting the beach that way when it felt the worst I would be happy knowing it was about to "roll back out to sea"
    counter pressure saved me when back labor hit.
    Relax and rest as much possible between contrax.
    If you have some one to help have them lightly "tickle" your skin, it helps release endorphins.
    When it gets really intense open mouth "ahhh"s help to keep your jaws relaxed which is important for progression.
    thats all I can think of for now. If I think of more I'll post again, HTH

    Engaged 10/2/1202
    BFP (a lil quicker than expected) 12/7/2012
    Married to my best friend 12/24/2012
    Beautiful baby girl arrived 8/15/2013
    BFP #2 3/13/2016

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  • Warm bath (DH would pour warm water over my stomach during contractions)
    Tennis Balls: DH would press two tennis balls firmly into my lower back and slowly swirl them around in circles.  Great for counter pressure!
    Hands and Knees and rocking back and forth
    Warm Rice Sock: They are easy to make.  It's great because it's a warm compress that you can take anywhere, plus it melds to your back or stomach.
    Soothing Music (I used Hypnobirthing Comfort Zone CD)
    Sitting on an Exercise Ball and swirling my hips when a contraction would start.

    One of the best things you can do is try to relax as much as possible, between contractions of course but most importantly during.  If you tense up it will ramp up the intensity of the contraction.  So when I would feel a contraction starting I would close my eyes and starting from my eyes all the way down to my toes make sure everything was relaxed (especially my jaw), then I would do slow deep breathing.  When in transition I also found it helpful to hum during the contractions. 

    Remember to drink and eat lightly if you can.  DH would give me a sip of water after every contraction.
  • I was stuck on my left side trying to control a high blood pressure issue, with an IV and a blood pressure cuff going off automatically with every stinking contraction. Believe it or not, on my side was a fantastic position for me. I concentrated on counting so I would breathe in a slow and controlled manner (15 in, 15 out... Ok, this one is stronger, 10 in, hard breath of 5 out). And with every exhale I would whisper "this is all about Addy... I can do anything for Addy."

    Because of the stupid BP cuff, which was causing me to panic at first, I started pretending it was my dad squeezing my arm to give me comfort and strength. (He died when I was a teen.). Cracked me up later when I read that a great technique is to ignore beeping machines or other irritants by pretending they are feeding you strength with every annoying beep. It's amazing what you do instinctively!
  • I worked out a circuit while I was at home. I started in the bathtub, with folded towels under me for comfort, with candles lit and peaceful music playing. I was often kneeling with my head resting on the edge of the tub. My husband was able to provide counter pressure this way. I would attempt to nap while laying on my side, then I would take a shower leaning on the wall if a strong contraction hit. Then I would move to the balance ball. My husband helped by bringing me snacks and drinks, including homemade smoothies.

    At the hospital, I listened to a meditation track. I also prayed more than in the last five years!
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    Parent of Baby Boy M, born December 2013 Angels: Miscarriage @ 9 weeks, May 2015, Chemical Pregnancy November 2015

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  • I leaned over my bed and the couch a lot and did figure 8s with my hips. Deep breathing helped a lot, and instead of saying "ow" I tried to get my voice lower and say "out." It helped keep my jaw relaxed, and it was positive visualization.
    Married July 3, 2009 | Furbaby Trevor July 15, 2009 | Furbaby Darcy May 15, 2010 | BFP August 14, 2012 | DD April 18, 2013
  • The thing that helped me most with the pain was:
    -moving during early labor
    -frequently changing positions
    -focusing on relaxing the part of my body that was feeling the contraction the most
    -relaxing and welcoming the contraction and not trying to fight it
    -shower / warm water
    -relaxing music
    -minimal interruptions
    -only DH in room
  • Early labor= eat, relax, shower, sleep if you can, meditate.
    Active labor=reduce stimulation, move move move, change positions often to counter pressure.  Sit on the toliet backwards, roll your hips on the exercise ball, dance with your partner, hang out in the tub.
    Transition= breathe breathe breathe, in through your nose out through your mouth. Making O sounds so you don't lock your jaw. Sit up to push or kneel or on your knees. Don't lay flat on your back (you can't poop laying down, so why have a baby that way)
    Me: 33 DH: 35
    Married: October 2008
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  • I've had two natural births. Through transition both times, I would naturally be standing up, and then lower myself down into a semi squatting position as each contraction built.

    With DD1, I was in the hospital shower so I would hold onto the support bar at waist height and lean forward and squat my legs out.

    With DD2 I was in the shower at home (which is over a bath) so in that instance I had one leg up on the edge of the bath and then lowered myself down while leaning against the wall.

    But basically just do whatever is most comfortable at the time. Your body will tell you whay to do.

    Water was a life saver for me. But I found the hot wheat bags on my back made me too hot all over, but it was ok when my mw put a fan on me too to cool me down.

    Best wishes.
    Elizabeth 5yrs old Jane 3yrs old

  • These are great! Keep them coming. This is exactly what I was hoping for.
  • katylady09katylady09 member
    edited February 2014
    For me it was deep breathing to counts (I believe it was slowly to 6-can't remember!) and hot rice packs. Oh, and walking. I swear though, I wouldn't have been able to do it if I weren't focusing on my breaths and those dang numbers! ETA: I thought the birthing ball was absolutely miserable, personally. And never lay on your back! Also miserable. I plan on using water in some way this time. Thinking back to my first labor, a hot shower on my back would have been phenomenal!

    Son 4/27/12, Son 10/15/14, Daughter 9/29/16....Baby #4 due 10/09/19!  Apparently we get really bored in January ;)
  • gww1313gww1313 member
    edited February 2014
    I didn't follow one specific method of natural birth, but read a lot of books on med free birth. I loved the tub, also hanging on my DH w my arms around his neck (like middle school slow dancing) was helpful. At the hospitals he nurse raised the top of the bed and I laid down over the top of the bed and DH would put warm towels on my back. I actually fell asleep inbetween contractions when I was in this position. It was great!
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