June 2014 Moms

Late to the party...

nilwethiennilwethien member
edited February 2014 in June 2014 Moms
Hey ladies! Up until now I've been all
but considering that I've been lurking since November(potentially crossing into creeper territory?) I decided it was time to finally step out of the shadows!

I'm 23, I live in illinois, and I'm expecting my first child, a son, June 28th. I shamelessly adore Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings which you'll definitely notice in my gifs (assuming I've actually managed to work out how to gif in my attempt at the beginning of this post)
I have a dh and an awesome fur baby named Scout who daily steals my snoogle.

so... heyyy!

Edit: reattempting to gif...
BabyFetus Ticker}

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