Cloth Diapering

gDiaper disposable inserts?

Yes, I'm brazenly asking about disposables on the CD board, RIGHT after MK's post about disposables haha! If you must, feel free to flame away. I'll understand

If you're still reading, my question is:
Is there a benefit to using gDiaper disposable inserts and cloth cover as a disposable option that I just can't figure out? I'm trying to plan ahead and figure out what my disposable option will be for the rare times when cloth isn't an option or as an emergency backup (FTM still figuring everything out) and stumbled upon these. My google searching has lead me to believe that I can use these inserts with any brand cover so it would be an easy-enough choice for me, but they cost the same as a regular pampers disposable and then you're stuck still having to wipe or wash the cloth cover when it gets dirty.
I don't own any gDiaper covers but if I already did then I could maybe sorta see the convenience of the easy switch back-and-forth between cloth and sposie inserts, especially if you're a part-time CDers but... Then again not really when you think about cost.

Does anybody gDiaper or have any insight? Specifically with the disposable inserts, I'm not interested in using the cloth inserts or using the whole system. Is there a point or benefit to them or would I be better off just using a normal disposable during these times?

Thanks :)

Re: gDiaper disposable inserts?

  • Disposable inserts are totally pointless the gdiaper ones are expensive. Might as well buy the pampers
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  • I'm with mandmeesh. The disposable inserts might even be more expensive than the equivalent of pampers or huggies. If you're already using gdiapers maybe having some on hand would be nice, otherwise I would just say buy the disposables.
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  • Okay. That's what I was thinking but I figured there must be something good about them...they sell them and people but them, what am I missing?? Lol
  • I will brazenly admit that I have a pack of Flip disposable inserts. I bought them in case of emergency, like the time we were without power for 5 days (pre-baby). I figured I could have these on hand and not worry about him outgrowing them like an emergency stash of size X Pampers. In retrospect, it probably was a waste of money, but it was cheap enough that I am not really worried about it. (FWIW we already have Flip covers and other covers these would fit into.)


  • Hmm…
    so maybe it'd be a medium-decent option to have a pack on hand as a backup, or to leave in the car or have for emergencies since she won't outgrow them like a regular disposable, but for planned trips and non-emergent scenarios, sounds like pampers (or whichever brand) would just be overall better to deal with.  thanks!
  • I bought a pack of Grovia disposable inserts for a vacation last year, when we weren't sure what the laundry situation was. They were useless for containing runny poo, and they are about the same as regular disposables as far as how much garbage you generate, so there isn't much of a point.
  • I read reviews saying that they held quit a bit of pee, but I'd probably just do disposible.  They are expensive, especially if you'd have to buy the gDiaper covers. 
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  • mrshudson618mrshudson618 member
    edited February 2014
    The point is supposed to be that the gDiaper sposie inserts are flushable and compostable. They are supposed to be greener than regular sposies because they don't spend eight years or whatever in the landfill.
    My sister uses them because she won a years supply in an online raffle. She says they are convenient, but only because her older daughter is still in diapers at night and naps (her son in gdiapers does not sleep in them either) so she can do diaper laundry every few days and she doesn't just have the gDiaper covers to wash. She had a lot of trouble with leaks when he was smaller, and she doesn't use them at night or naps.

    ETA: her husband won't let her flush them and risk the pipes in their old house so I can't speak to the claim that they are flushable, but I know that the package says that you need to swirl them around in the toilet to partially dissolve before you flush. Fun.
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  • How would she not outgrow them? Aren't there multiple sizes like disposables?
    I guess I should say she wouldn't outgrow them *as fast*.  There are only two sizes to choose from: 
    1- newborn/small
    2- med/large/x-large

    so she might grow out of the smalls, but that would only be one pack wasted rather than her growing out of newborn, size 1, size 2, size3….  Plus, if she *does* outgrow it, I could possibly somehow double them up until they're all used where with disposables that isn't really an option.  if they're too small, they're too small.

    I don't necessarily think it's a big enough perk to sway me one way or the other with how rarely I plan on using disposables, but it's kinda the only perk I can think of.  I'm still trying to figure out WHY these exist.  I think @TJ1979 nailed it right on the head hahaha :)
  • I'm good at nailing.
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  • Possibly to have the convenience of disposables, and anti blowout effect of the CD cover? That's the only other benefit I can come up with.
  • The only use I've found for disposable inserts is as a booster to a disposable diaper for overnights when we travel (kiddo sleeps 12 hours and wakes up in a puddle no matter which brand of overnight diapers we tried, adding a flips disposable solved all our problems). I guess some other advantages are they pack up slightly smaller than a regular disposable diaper, but I'd prefer a regular disposable diaper as you can use the sticky tabs to close up the diaper after use and not have to worry about an open diaper in the trash can.
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