29w3d, I swear I have tried everything. New mattress, heated mattress pad, a bed of pillows outlining my body, Tylenol before bed... it all worked for a while, but now I am retired to the couch because it is easier to turn and get out of for a bathroom dash. I still toss and turn tons and wake up with sore hips that sometimes last me all day. What did you do? Or do I just have to accept it?
Re: MoMs who've BTDT, how did you sleep in late pregnancy?
POS+April 2009-M/c May 2009, POS+July 2009-M/c Aug 2009, POS+ Novemeber 2009 -Baby Boy Charlie DOB 07/06/2010, POS+July 2011-M/c and D&C Aug 2011, POS+Dec 2011 -Baby Boy Ethan DOB 07/27/2012, POS+Aug 2013-TWIN BOYS! Jack and Miles born March 23rd 2014!!
TTC SINCE 7/2010, BFP-10/2010 ended in miscarriage 11/2010 : (.....
Progesterone level 4/2011= 11.29. SA normal. HSG normal.
8/11 Clomid 50mg=BFN progesterone level 35,
10/11 Clomid 50mg =BFN progesterone level 31,
11/11 Clomid 50mg=BFN progesterone level 12,
12/11 Clomid 50mg=Progesterone 31
01/12-Break from meds-BFN
Feb-cd3 blood work FSH(5), AMH(0.56) 02/12 Break....
03/01/12-Clomid 50mg with IUI #1=BFN.
04/01/12-Another round of clomid with IUI#2=BFN.
5/8/12-Diagnostic Laparoscopy-found minimal endometriosis and small fibriod.
June and July-much needed break
August-Bravelle 75 with IUI#3- BFN
September-Bravelle injects with IUI #4-BFP!! MC 10/7/12 : ( Sonohysterogram-Normal
December- Bravelle(3 good follicles & E2 1252) with IUI#5 BFFN (
July IVF #1- BFP! : ) Beta #1-245, #2- 703, #3- 1655, #4- 3553 YAY! Praying and Praying this one sticks around!
1st U/S scheduled for Aug 23rd!
We are having a BOY & a GIRL !!
I never really had issues getting comfortable though. My snoogle pillow was amazing. I used it backwards though, let the long side prop up my whole backside and then I stuffed a fluffy pillow beneath my belly to really support all the heavy areas.
TTC since July 2011
Me(33): normal HSG; diagnosed with mild PCOS
DH(35): normal SA
*6 cycles no meds, July-Dec. 2011, all BFN
*Clomid for 3 cycles, Jan-March 2011: BFP March 2011
*MC at 6 weeks
*2 cycles off
*Started TTC again July 2012 with Clomid, 6 cycles from July-Dec. 2012, all BFN
*1 cycle no meds: BFN
*1 cycle Femara: BFN
*1st RE visit March 2013 - first IUI in April 2013 with Femara, Menopur, and Novarel (BFN); second IUI in May 2013, same protocol (BFN); two cycle break; third IUI in August 2013, same protocol (BFN)
*1st IVF cycle, October 2013 (Synarel, Menopur (75 iu), and Gonal-F (150 iu)) -- BFP!! Saw two babies at our 5wk5d u/s on Oct. 28th! EDD=June 25, 2014
Hang in there!
Emerson Lily 6 lbs 13 oz & Ellis Willow 6 lbs 9 oz