I have several friends who have recommended these two books to me for when LO is ready to get in a schedule. Right now she's barely a eek and half old so wondered if anyone has read these books? If so when did u start trying to use their trevhniques? Things u loved and things u didn't like about either book?? Thanks!!
We were told no sleep training before four to five months, as recommended by our Health Region's guidelines.
I've heard negative things about Babywise, but have never tried it myself.
TTC since August 2009
June/July 2011 - IVF #1 - Transfer cancelled due to OHSS
23 perfect embryos. All 23 made it to freezing!
September/October - FET #1 - October 12th - 2 Grade A embies
October 20th - BFP??! EDD - July 1, 2012
Beta #1 = 154, Beta #2 = 352 Beta #3 = 3,800
U/S #2 - November 14th = 133 bpm! U/S #3 & 4 - November 30th and December 7th = 163 bpm! U/S#5 - January 30th - TEAM PINK!!!
Baby Sweets born on her due date!
I'm also not a fan of any sleep training. We are strict about setting a healthy nighttime routine and habits from day 1 and we definitely use the HAppiest Baby on the Block techniques, but other than that... I haven't had to "train" my other babies. They STTN when they were ready (around 6 mos). Prior to that, they slept in 3-4 hr stretches. My mom always said it's not the baby that needs sleep training, it's the parents who have to learn to sleep when baby sleeps! And I admit, I am NOT good at that during the day!
I in no way expect my baby to be sleep trained by 12 weeks but was really just wondering if any STMs have used it an did they liked certain parts. I'm so blessed to have such an amazing newborn who is already sleeping about 3hrs between feedings and is awake during the day on/off. She is a very happy baby! I was just looking to see how the books did or didn't help other moms out there.
I in no way expect my baby to be sleep trained by 12 weeks but was really just wondering if any STMs have used it an did they liked certain parts. I'm so blessed to have such an amazing newborn who is already sleeping about 3hrs between feedings and is awake during the day on/off. She is a very happy baby! I was just looking to see how the books did or didn't help other moms out there.
I read Babywise and loosely followed the eat-awake-sleep pattern. It worked well for us, but DS naturally seemed to adopt the three hour cycle. When he was less than 2 weeks, I'd have to wake him to eat; after pedi gave the go ahead to let him sleep as long as he wanted, he'd sleep from 9P to about 3A and naturally fell into a 3 hour cycle during the day.
He STTN at about 8 weeks, but that all went out the window at about 4 months when he started waking 1-2 per night, but would easily nurse back to sleep. I guess the moral here is to apply the principles to the extent you feel comfortable and to the extent LO will accept.
Thanks so much ladies!! I'll have to keep an open mind about the books and just listen to my baby ultimately. It's just so crazy as a FTM because really everything is just being played by ear...LOL!
I liked and used the "sleep easy solution" when DS was 11 months old. Up until then we learned to adapt to what he needed.
I do not agree with advice that recommends keeping baby on a strict schedule of however many hours at such and such an age.
The only reason we used SES was because DS would nurse to sleep and then wake up when I transferred him to the crib. He was struggling with falling/staying asleep by himself and bedtime was turning into a 2-3 hr nightmare ordeal. It took one day, by day number two bed time took 15 mins tops after I put him in the crib. DS does wonderful at bed/nap time still (of course he still has his toddler moments of not wanting to sleep). We put him down and generally don't hear a peep out of him until the next morning.
SES has some good guidelines for what most babies/toddlers need as far as nap and night time sleep. But they're guidelines, not strict rules.
I'd recommend the book for any families struggling with sleep issues, but sleep "issues" are way different than wanting your baby to STTN at 12 weeks old. They'll get there when they're ready and until then you do learn to survive
My life, my love, my boys
DS: Liam born 8.30.10 at 35 wks (PPROM, Pre-E, C-Section)
DD: BFP 6.9.13, EDD 2.12.14, A/S 9.20.13... It's a Girl!
Adeline Leigh born sleeping 2.11.14 at 39 wks 6 days
How very softly you tiptoed into our world, almost silently, only a moment you stayed. But what an imprint your footsteps have left upon our hearts. - Dorothy Ferguson
Don't try to sleep train a newborn. The most I'd do right now is a routine at the last feeding before you go to bed (bath, rocking, lullabies, etc) and create a night time sleeping atmosphere (dark, certain swaddle not used in the daytime, etc) and a daytime one. Otherwise, let them sleep and eat when they need it.
Sleep training a newborn is pretty selfish, if you ask me. Meet their needs when they need them met.
One of my daycare moms tries to follow a schedule- I'm not sure when she started it but when the baby started at 8 weeks she brought it with. The schedule simply didn't work but she was adamant about trying to stick to it as close as possible. I really feel it was harder on the mom because she felt out of control or "let down" when the baby wasn't conforming. I know this is just one example but I wouldn't want anyone to try to focus so much on keeping baby on a schedule that they get themselves upset when it doesn't work.
I am very much against Babywise! Loved Happiest Baby on the Block and The No Cry Sleep Solution, which is a much gentler book with lots of techniques you can try when baby is a few months old!
I haven't read either, so I'm probably not much help, but I have always just listened to baby. Wakes crying, check to make sure not to warm or cold, change diaper, and then feed. A baby at this age really can't be trained, well in my eyes really shouldn't be. They have different stages, growth spurts and such and I have just found its best to listen to baby. Good luck
Re: Baby Wise or 12 Hours of Sleep by 12 Weeks?
I've heard negative things about Babywise, but have never tried it myself.
June/July 2011 - IVF #1 - Transfer cancelled due to OHSS
23 perfect embryos. All 23 made it to freezing!
September/October - FET #1 - October 12th - 2 Grade A embies
October 20th - BFP??! EDD - July 1, 2012
Beta #1 = 154, Beta #2 = 352 Beta #3 = 3,800
U/S #2 - November 14th = 133 bpm! U/S #3 & 4 - November 30th and December 7th = 163 bpm! U/S#5 - January 30th - TEAM PINK!!!
Baby Sweets born on her due date!
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I read Babywise and loosely followed the eat-awake-sleep pattern. It worked well for us, but DS naturally seemed to adopt the three hour cycle. When he was less than 2 weeks, I'd have to wake him to eat; after pedi gave the go ahead to let him sleep as long as he wanted, he'd sleep from 9P to about 3A and naturally fell into a 3 hour cycle during the day. He STTN at about 8 weeks, but that all went out the window at about 4 months when he started waking 1-2 per night, but would easily nurse back to sleep. I guess the moral here is to apply the principles to the extent you feel comfortable and to the extent LO will accept.
Ethan Michael - 12/21/09
Norah Jewel - 2/26/14
<a href="http://www.thebump.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="Pregnancy"><img src="http://global.thebump.com/tickers/tt1c850e.aspx" alt=" Pregnancy Ticker" border="0" /></a>
I do not agree with advice that recommends keeping baby on a strict schedule of however many hours at such and such an age.
The only reason we used SES was because DS would nurse to sleep and then wake up when I transferred him to the crib. He was struggling with falling/staying asleep by himself and bedtime was turning into a 2-3 hr nightmare ordeal. It took one day, by day number two bed time took 15 mins tops after I put him in the crib. DS does wonderful at bed/nap time still (of course he still has his toddler moments of not wanting to sleep). We put him down and generally don't hear a peep out of him until the next morning.
SES has some good guidelines for what most babies/toddlers need as far as nap and night time sleep. But they're guidelines, not strict rules.
I'd recommend the book for any families struggling with sleep issues, but sleep "issues" are way different than wanting your baby to STTN at 12 weeks old. They'll get there when they're ready and until then you do learn to survive
My life, my love, my boys
DS: Liam born 8.30.10 at 35 wks (PPROM, Pre-E, C-Section)
DD: BFP 6.9.13, EDD 2.12.14, A/S 9.20.13... It's a Girl!
Adeline Leigh born sleeping 2.11.14 at 39 wks 6 days
How very softly you tiptoed into our world, almost silently, only a moment you stayed. But what an imprint your footsteps have left upon our hearts. - Dorothy Ferguson
Sleep training a newborn is pretty selfish, if you ask me. Meet their needs when they need them met.
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