I thought of a new topic. In-law stories! They're always just a little bit crazy, right? I love reading the in-law drama on my birth month board. Anyone have any good stories?
I actually don't have many good stories. My in-laws are pretty awesome. They do have their quirks, though. For one thing, my MIL insists on dressing DD in clothes that are too big. DD fits perfectly in a three month size right now. Whenever MIL watches her, she changes her out of whatever outfit I sent her in and puts her in jammies. Nine month size jammies. She has three month clothes. I know because she keeps asking me to bring her more clothes to keep at her house and I keep bringing them. I still get her back in nine month jammies.
Re: In-laws!
And, since I'm pretty non confrontational, usually when she needs to nurse I just say, she's starting to get hungry and get my nursing pillow and cover. The other day my FIL goes, is she hungry, do you want to feed her? Yes! I'm not making it up, you can try if you want but I doubt it will work!