July 2014 Moms

Please be honest

So I know people say things when ur preggo and ur suppose to just let em roll but today someone said "are u sure it's not twins...you look big for 4 months" I'm 18 w tomorrow and that was a huge ouch...even skinny I always wore flowy shirts and now prego I make sure they fit to show the bump...please be honest...do I need to slow it down?

Re: Please be honest

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    Here's today's pic
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    Just looks like baby bump to me... We all grow at different rates.
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    You look fabulous. If you're concerned with your weight, talk with your doctor. If your concerned about the crazy lady who told you to look big, I'd say you were well reserved because I may have said something back such as "well you're looking a little round yourself, you sure you're not pregnant??"
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    Another coworker said "...wow"...I've been comparing to everyone on HDBD and thought I was about the same but it really hurt my feelings
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    Girl, you look GREAT!!  Don't let them bother you.
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    Ditto everyone else.  I think you look great and definitely in line with where you should be.  Your co-worker was ridiculous.  If you are concerned, I'd talk to your doctor, but if I were you I wouldn't be concerned if I looked like that. 

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    People are idiots. You look great! Everyone grows at different rates. I'm only 15 weeks and my bump is as big as yours. I have a FB friend who is 24 weeks and literally looks like she could fall over her belly is so big. With my previous pregnancies, I have been told that it must be twins and that there is no way I can be due so soon. People just say things like that. There is no right way to look.
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    For most people, they'd like to comment on your pregnancy and while it's awkward to be on the receiving end, there aren't a whole lot of things most people think to say that aren't offensive.  Take it with a grain of salt- you look perfectly fine.  I made a comment on this topic on another thread a few days ago and suggested that the recipient try to hear the comment as spoken, rather than interpreting it based on how she was feeling- yes, we're all feeling bigger and quite a few of us might be uncomfortable with the weight we're gaining, but sometimes it might be us projecting our own discomfort and insecurities on the benign comments others make.  Just food for thought. 
    My sweet little munchkin! 
    8 lbs, 13 oz.  21" long

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    People say some pretty stupid things. You look great! I'm 17 weeks and look pretty much the same.
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    My SIL is thin, but she always gets a HUGE belly really early  (at 12 weeks she has a big round belly and already looks obviously pregnant).  She always gets the "are you sure you're not having twins?!?" type comments, and every single time she's only had one.  Everyone is totally different, so there is absolutely nothing to worry about!   From your pic, you look great!

    I'm the opposite.. barely showing at all at 19 weeks and people repeatedly ask me "are you sure you are even pregnant?!?!"  Finally starting to show a little bit... if I wear a tight shirt... but it still looks more like a beer belly than a baby belly at this point!

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    I think you look good.  Check out the HDBD post.  Everyone progresses differently.  I have the tiniest little poof of a bump.  The girls at work keep asking me when I am going to "pop". lol. 
    Baby G born 6/6/14, 37 weeks 1 day due to preeclampsia.  5lb12oz 19"
    #2 due Christmas 2016. 

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    I think your bump is cute! I've had people ask if I'm having twins too, and one brave guy told me to not "get too big too fast." I'm also smaller and I think that may have something to do with it!

    June Siggy Challenge: Dad Fails

    Married 7.28.2012
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    BFP 09.2015 - m/c 10.21.2015
    BFP 4.12.2016...EDD: Christmas Eve 2016!

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    I'm the same size as you and I'm only 16w2d. I wouldn't worry about it, some people just have no tact.
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    You look great! I wouldn't worry about what others are saying...I've gotten that type stuff every time I've been pregnant. People are just idiots sometimes!
    Chase Alexander 12-11-01
    Sierra Nicole 6-15-05
    Avery Lyn 8-2-12
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    You have a lovely bump :)
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    you look great, you can tell them:

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    I've been told that too lol...you bump is really cute so don't pay attention to them at time people say things without realizing it will hurt the other persons feelings. If you still doubt it just think of the bright side at least they haven't told you if you're pregnant without actually being pregnant lmao.
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    I think Im bigger than you and have been. Almost a month ago I got the twins comment and was told to take a picture with my "twin" Shamu.. seriously?! People are a$$holes.


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    You look amazing! I will be 18 w tomorrow as we'll and I am rockin a nice large baby bump too! Love it and rock it with me! I couldn't give a crap what people think!
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    I'm 17 weeks with twins, and I'm a lot bigger than you. People for some reason feel that they can just say whatever they want to pregnant women.
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    You look great. People are just annoying. 

                                                             July 14 May Siggy Challenge: Cute Animals
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    Meh, people can suck it.. Seriously.  There's not really a winning comment other than "you look great!" which we all know is a lie with dark circles and whatnot some days.  Either they say "oh you don't look that far along" or "are you sure you're *only* whatever weeks?!".  They just want to say *something* I think more than anything else and don't realize how much it can hurt various people.

    The latest from my aunt was that I need to make sure I don't gain too much (I've gained 5-6lbs and am 16w3d) because doctors aren't as strict these days, and she really feels like the 25lbs they used to tell people is really enough, etc. etc.  Sooo.. not sure if she thinks I gained more, or if I am still allowed to eat chocolate cake for dessert with that kind of stuff. ;)
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    alyssa719 said:
    Meh, people can suck it.. Seriously.  There's not really a winning comment other than "you look great!" which we all know is a lie with dark circles and whatnot some days.  Either they say "oh you don't look that far along" or "are you sure you're *only* whatever weeks?!".  They just want to say *something* I think more than anything else and don't realize how much it can hurt various people.

    The latest from my aunt was that I need to make sure I don't gain too much (I've gained 5-6lbs and am 16w3d) because doctors aren't as strict these days, and she really feels like the 25lbs they used to tell people is really enough, etc. etc.  Sooo.. not sure if she thinks I gained more, or if I am still allowed to eat chocolate cake for dessert with that kind of stuff. ;)
    Baby G born 6/6/14, 37 weeks 1 day due to preeclampsia.  5lb12oz 19"
    #2 due Christmas 2016. 

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    People do not realize that every woman grows differently and they only make comments based on their experiences so I would not let it upset you. I think you look great!  


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    I would love to have your bump! I've got nothing but a pushed up muffin top. You look awesome!!
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    I'm 18 weeks and bigger. :/ my husband asked me if I was sure there wasn't two in there.
    We're expecting baby Jameson!

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    I should show a picture of mine.
    We're expecting baby Jameson!

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    You look great. I'm only 17 weeks and look way bigger than you. People asked me the same thing at 14 weeks, but according to my mom, I look like she did when pregnant with my brother. In fact she told me people used to ask if she was having triplets. Just ignore the stupid people and their comments and have a good laugh about them over a bowl of your favorite ice cream.
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    @1982Babies, I don't... but I do have the mix and so I *could*... but you are busy eating that raisin sour cream pie abomination so you would get none anyway.  :P
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    alyssa719 said:
    @1982Babies, I don't... but I do have the mix and so I *could*... but you are busy eating that raisin sour cream pie abomination so you would get none anyway.  :P
    @alyssa719 don't talk shit about raisin sour cream pie!!!
    Baby G born 6/6/14, 37 weeks 1 day due to preeclampsia.  5lb12oz 19"
    #2 due Christmas 2016. 

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    you look great! and your bump is adorable!!!!
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    I think you totally fine!! I had someone tell me last week "Wow! You're huge!!" (I was 17 wk) Nothing like making a pregnant girl feel fat :) I ignored it though, I've only gained 2 lb so I don't think I'm overdoing it.
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    I agree with everyone else. You look great. Can't you just add a "no, are you?" to the end of your answers? Too mean? Oh well - don't ask me dumb questions. ;)
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    You look great! Don't worry about what other people say...as long as you feel good, don't let anyone rain on this beautiful parade you're having!
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    Don't worry about it! Everyone grows at different rates. I did this with both pregnancies and when people say something, I just say that this is just how my body does pregnancy.
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    I had a coworker ask me the same thing a few weeks ago when I was 15-16 weeks... It is just a rude thing to say... I think you look great!!
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    People are complete assholes and inconsiderate. I got that with DS almost weekly. Then towards the last trimester I was told constantly "oh your not making it to may 25th." Well to those biatches my son came 1week late AND I was induced so who knows how long he would have cooked in there. He was 8lbs 8oz I am on the smaller size in height and frame weight I'm average not thin but not big. I'm sure you look perfectly fine for 18w. I believe ppl have no filter and say things that make no sense to them orbanyonevekse for that matter!!!

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    Ps I couldn't view the pic on my phone at the time (forgot to put that in the post)

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