
Chicken/cooking question

I have chicken that was sell-by yesterday.  I haven't cooked it yet.  Can I still use it?  I'm normally not a total stickler for dates, but chicken...

Re: Chicken/cooking question

  • I'm usually ok with 1 or 2 days past the sell-by date.  I'd toss if it smells bad.

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  • Thanks.  I don't need it for a couple days, but DH and I are trying to stick to a budget and I would hate tossing it out if I didn't have to.  It is now in a slow cooker to be shredded and then frozen for later.  
  • Sell by is just when the store needs to get rid of it. Sell by and use by are not the same thing. It still has a few days. Enjoy your chicken. 
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    because it didn't fucking snow enough for me to build my own
  • If you don't have plans for it, I'd freeze it and just use it for another meal.



    My 4 Angel Babies.....
    MC#1- 12/2008, MC#2- 05/2009, MC#3 07/2009, MC#4 11/2009

    Training to become an IBCLC. BF Questions? Just ask!

  • The nose knows. If it smells weird don't use it. If it smells fine cook it soon.
    This rule had to me banned from my kitchen. H shot his nose to hell with cocaine, so everything smells "fine" to him.  Somethings have been no where close to fine.  :-&
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    because it didn't fucking snow enough for me to build my own

  • The nose knows. If it smells weird don't use it. If it smells fine cook it soon.

    This rule had to me banned from my kitchen. H shot his nose to hell with cocaine, so everything smells "fine" to him.  Somethings have been no where close to fine.  :-&

    So you could rip ass all day long and he wouldn't be the wiser?


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