My daughter is almost one. She still wakes up every 2hrs to nurse. Should I consider sleep training or give her more time? Not saying I want her to cio, but I find myself responding to every peep she makes. I'm not sure if this is because she was preemie and I worry like heck about her. She's about 14 lbs. Breastfed. Eats a bit of solids but not much. Any advice would be appreciated.
Re: sleep training a preemie
If she wakes up and it's not time to eat, I let her fuss about 5-15 minutes depending on the sounds she is making. It is hard to hear her cry and not go to her immediately, especially after all she goes through medically, but most often she falls back to sleep on her own quickly since she is not truly awake. I am much happier since we sleep trained and we all get more sleep.
I highly recommend the magic sleep suit and a good noise machine.
Good luck!!!