May 2014 Moms

What do you take for...

Dry cough, runny nose, head congestion, sore throat, and achy body?

Ugh this damn weather!
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Re: What do you take for...

  • Ugh :( Right there with you. My husband brought home a cold with all of this crap and I caught it from him a few days later. I've just been taking Tylenol and Benadryl. Plenty of ice cream and a self thrown pity party on the couch. Being pregnant and sick is awful!!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • FlemDanceFlemDance member
    edited February 2014
    I took Sudafed, and drank a ton of hot water with lemon and popped cough drops like crazy. Vick's on my chest and the bottom of my feet at night. Sorry you're sick!

    ETA: Typos make me crazy.
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  • I used a NetiPot for my nose.   It really helped!
  • Tylenol cold products

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  • Vick's Vapor Rub helped me a lot. I may have applied in my nostrils. 

     M14 January Siggy Challenge: Resolution I have no intention of keeping...SHOPPING LESS!

    TTC: 8/13; BFP: 9/11/13; EDD: 5/15/14
    DD Born @ 40+4

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  • Tylenol cold something or another.
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    BFP # 1 - 12/19/09 EDD 08/27/10 - D&C 1/26/10 @ 9w5d

    BFP # 2 - 06/05/10 EDD 02/17/11, DS1 born on 2/14/11

    BFP # 3 - 04/10/13 EDD 12/21/13 - D&C 05/15/13 @ 8w4d

    BFP # 4 - 07/27/13 EDD 04/08/14 - CP 07/29/13


    BFP # 5 - 09/14/13 EDD 05/28/14, DS2 born on 5/22/14 

  • Try a hot shower or a steam bath. I find that even if it has no effect on the sick part it does wonders for my poopy spirit.

    Be well.
  • Sudafed has become my best friend. Also use a humidifier it will help!
  • I had a bad cold or flu or something awful around 6/7 weeks pg. My safe med cocktail of choice was Robitussin for cough, Mucinex without the D and/or saline solution for the runny nose, and tylenol for the aches. Sorry you got the plague :(

    Mommy to my sweet boy, JG, born May 15, 2014

    Baby #2 due 4/26/16!

  • I like to keep it natural when pregnant, so I get a humidifier going, use saline nasal spray and ricola cough drops.
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  • Sudafed and humidifier, sugar free cough drops and saline spray. All on my approved list :) feel better!
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    That's all I could think of when I read your post.  Sorry I'm no help at all.
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  • Tylenol, Sudafed, Benadryl
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