2nd Trimester

How often do you have a glass of wine?

I know you shouldn't drink while pregnant and studies say it is not good for the baby but I was recently with a large group of friends of mine who all have kids and one of them said she had 3-4 glasses of wine a week. I thought that was a lot for someone pregnant. She said her Dr. told her a little wine here and there is fine but I thought that was a big excessive. Then all of the other moms chimed in and they all had about 2-3 glasses a week. Am I the only one who thinks that is a bit much? 
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Re: How often do you have a glass of wine?

  • I don't drink at all during my pregnancy although I did have a few glasses of wine around conception time and during that two week wait. Once I got my bfp I stopped.
    Married 9/17/11 BFP 10/5/13 DS Oliver Stephen born 6/11/14 via C-section 8 lbs 9 oz BFP 8/14/15
  • I have maybe one glass a week.
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  • I drank a glass a week.

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  • I'm not back on the wine (yet) but don't judge pregnant women for having a few glasses a week if no more than one a day. Especially after 1st tri.
  • I'm not back on the wine (yet) but don't judge pregnant women for having a few glasses a week if no more than one a day. Especially after 1st tri.
    She is a dear friend of mine and I wasn't judging I just personally thought that was a lot. I have a glass or two a week myself.
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  • I love wine but have not had any while pregnant. It just doesn't sound good to me. I drink 1-2 craft beers per week. Never more than one beer in one sitting. I literally drink it over 2 hours give or take. I'm sure someone will freak out at me over that. I waited until after 1st trimester and my OB said it was fine. I have another well-respected OB friend who tells his patients 4oz of wine daily is okay after 1st trimester. I don't think it's a big deal at all. I also respect those to choose to abstain from alcohol while pregnant. To each their own.
  • I had 1/2 of a pretty small glass at some point in October. I've also had a sip of cider twice this winter. I have not missed alcohol aside from those occasional days when I get home after a bad day at work.

    I have no problem with anyone having occasional drinks. I probably won't have anything more than a sip or two aside from maybe a glass on our 1 year anniversary in May.
    BFP: July 2013 M/C August 5, 2013
    BFP: October 22, 2013 EDD: June 21, 2014
    Baby boy arrived June 23, 2014

    BFP: February 2016 EDD: October 17, 2016
  • I wanted to wait until after 20 weeks before I had any, just a personal milestone I set.

    Since then, I've drank about a six-pack of Leinenkugel's Snowdrift Vanilla Porter and also had a glass of red wine.  Usually not more than one drink per day, and the one time I did have a glass of wine + a beer in one night it was over the course of several hours.

    3-4 glasses per week is nothing to be alarmed about.  If it was 3-4 glasses per DAY then I might raise an eyebrow.
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  • I drank a small glass on NYE but thats it so far. 1-4 glasses a week doesn't seem harmful to me IMO. Obviously your friend and baby are fine.

    If we go out to dinner or if there is a family event, I would probably have some wine. If I was a beer drinker, I'd have some beer.


    "Your truth is different from my truth, and we're both right."

    TTC since March 2013. BFP 4/13/13, blighted ovum discovered 6/6/13, m/c 6/8/13.

    BFP 11/10/13, EDD 7/25/13 - stick little owlet!

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  • I had two half glasses in the second tri.  Now that I'm in third tri, I allow myself a half glass per week, but I've only actually had one so far.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Mizoo said:

    I wanted to wait until after 20 weeks before I had any, just a personal milestone I set.

    Since then, I've drank about a six-pack of Leinenkugel's Snowdrift Vanilla Porter and also had a glass of red wine.  Usually not more than one drink per day, and the one time I did have a glass of wine + a beer in one night it was over the course of several hours.

    3-4 glasses per week is nothing to be alarmed about.  If it was 3-4 glasses per DAY then I might raise an eyebrow.

    Mmm...I love Snowdrift Vanilla Porter!!
  • I would say a glass of wine a week is fine.
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • Thats good to know everyone! I had a glass at Christmas dinner and you could have heard a pin drop. My DH's family all sat with their mouths dropped to the floor, like I was committing a crime at the dinner table. 
    IAmPregnant Ticker

  • I have been having some serious wine cravings lately. I'm sure it won't be long till I give in a bit!
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  • I love this new peach wine here in MO and I havent yet, just 12 weeks but I do want to maybe next trimester or a little further along. But That's my own hang up.
  • JuneBug317JuneBug317 member
    edited February 2014
    This has been a tricky one for me too.  Im a Sommelier (in the wine biz) and my husband a Chef so my whole life revolves around food and wine.  I have gotten a lot of advise from others in my industry and not and the best advise is 'to each their own'.  It was easier than I thought giving up wine all together (well maybe not easy... :) because I got really tipsy off one glass (weird) and then just got tired (boo). I do think its completely acceptable to have a glass or two here and there and my OB has told me the same thing.  Just don't let anyone make you feel bad for indulging every once in a while, its not like you are housing tequila shots! Good luck!
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  • @tealowl your dogs are crazy cute. Ive got a frenchie too:)
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  • I have a glass probably 3 times a week. it's not that I "can't live without it", but I have drank this way with prior pregnancies & my doctors are fine with it. I'd not drink more than a glass because I don't care to. but I do look forward to many more once it's born!! when I say 3-4 a week it does feel like a lot. I hear ya girl!
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  • I'm not opposed to the occasional drink while pregnant, I just haven't really had the desire to have one when the opportunity was there (I always crave a glass when I'm at home and we don't have any, but when we're at a restaurant where I could order a glass, I just don't feel like it)
  • Our favorite restaurant here is run by an Italian and we're regulars.  So sometimes he'll send out a small ~2oz glass with my dinner.  Love it!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • About once a week if I'm in the mood.

    When we were on vacation in Europe, it was more often than that.

    However, I never have more than 1 drink per day. We have done quite a bit of research & both feel completely comfortable with this.
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  • My doctor told me to drink 2-3 glasses of wine a week when I was pregnant with DS.  She said I was to anxious and stressed out and it would help me relax, calm down and sleep better.  I took her advice and had 2-3 a week, my son turned out just fine and I was much more sane.  I will probably do them same this time around, 2-3 a week, if I ever get over my aversion to it.  Right now the thought of it makes me want to puke.
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  • veetveet said:
    Sorry... it's 40 weeks. If you can't live without wine you have some serious issues. I would never compromise my baby's wellbeing on purpose.... 1 glass or 4 glasses a week.
    LOL.  It's not like everyone on here is like "yeah!!  woohoo!! I have 5 glasses of wine a night!!"  Then, I would say they have a 'serious problem'.  I just love how everyone like this thinks anyone who has a few drinks over the course of their pregnancies must be a raging alcholic.  Pretty much every doctor and midwife say it's perfectly safe to have a few glasses of wine/beer weekly, especially after 1st tri.  I don't really, but I jsut don't have a taste for it right now.  I have a beautiful bottle of Pinot Noir sitting at home feeling very lonely, but I just don't want it.  I do sometimes have a sip or taster (2 oz.) of microbrews when we're out and about.

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  • If I wasn't struggling with Hyperemesis, I would love to feel well enough to relax with a glass of wine here and there with DH.  A wine and movie Saturday night on the couch would be amazing right now.
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  • After reading this thread I got all excited to have a beer last night. I have been having about 1-2 drinks per month since 2nd tri; it's hard to calculate because I usually don't have a full drink at a time. So I opened an Anchor Steam after dinner & settled down on the couch. Halfway through I felt verrry sleepy & knew there was no way I'd be able to finish the rest before bedtime. I feel bad about wasting some of it but it was freaking delicious and amazing. After reading the responses here I think I might split a good beer w/ H once a week.

    H e n r y  May 21, 2014

  • I just took sips here and there with DS.  This time I don't think I have drank any.  I have spent most of this pregnancy nauseated though so not much sounds good.  I LOVE wine and was a "wine of the month" club member at a local winery until I got pregnant this time.  Now that I am starting to finally be able to eat somewhat normal, wine is sounding so good to me.  Maybe I will have a glass tonight at dinner for DH's birthday. 
    My moms OB told her to have a glass each night while pregnant with me to help her sleep.  I turned out fine and love my wine!
  • Wine, never during pregnancy.  Beer on the other hand is a different story  ;)  No, I am really only  comfortable having sips here and there of DH's for the most part, although a couple weeks ago we were out for date night and I ordered a 10 oz microbrew.  I drank probably 6 or 7 oz of it and DH finished the rest.  I felt kinda weird about it, but wouldn't have done it if I thought it would hurt the baby.  It was good.  I may or may not do it again this pregnancy, we'll see. 


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  • I've had 2 glasses my entire pregnancy so far. Both glasses in my 2nd tri.
  • That's WAY too much IMO

    to each their own, but I will only have a few sips on special occasions when I'm pregnant

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE wine, but I can give it up for 9 months

    also those recent studies about having regular drinks = lower iq

    yea I'm just willing to risk it

  • That's WAY too much IMO

    to each their own, but I will only have a few sips on special occasions when I'm pregnant

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE wine, but I can give it up for 9 months

    also those recent studies about having regular drinks = lower iq

    yea I'm just willing to risk it

    Where did you find these studies?  Not being snarky either, I'd like to check them out since I have never heard of them.
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  • AmericanInOzAmericanInOz member
    edited February 2014

    I just googled it - I thought it was out of the UK, but here's what came up




    Four genes for slower alcohol processing were tied to lower IQs.

    In theory, some women may be able to drink a glass of wine here or there during pregnancy without harming their babies


    "You could never in the real world analyze to find out who all had these genes and who didn't,"

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