Two Under 2


I am so nervous about having to tell my job that I am expecting again.  I took four months of maternity leave with my daughter, and I just returned to work January 6th.  I know I have some time before I need to let the cat out of the bag, but I almost feel embarrassed.  I know that I should not feel that way, I guess it's just the hormones right now that are making this a little hard to handle!
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Re: Nervous...

  • I also felt embarrassed to tell my work..sorry I don't have advice
  • I was a SAHM when I had my 2u2 so I don't have any advice. I would probably wait until well into the 2nd trimester to tell though if you can. Good luck.
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  • I'd like to wait as long as I can but everyone is telling me I am going to start showing sooner this time around.  So far though, I am not as bloated as I was during my first pregnancy so I am hoping I can buy some time!
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • I know how you feel!! I am feeling the same way. The only upside I have is that I was really only out of work for a month (not by choice) so it's not like it REALLY affected my company too much. But still for some odd reason I feel VERY embarrassed being pregnant again so fast. 
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  • I am glad I am not the only one!
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