Not in a Madeline-Kahn-in-Blazing-Saddles kind of way.
In an I'm-only-getting-4-hours-of-sleep-a-night-because-jerk-children kind of way.
Please send me all the Benny gifs and hair pets.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
Also, this is a little random and not related to this post....but do ya'll have a facebook group? Am I not invited?
So you guys all know what each other looks like....that has to be weird. I only know what a couple of you look like....I have pictures of what everyone else does in my head.
I didn't like the 2nd episode of this season for the same reason I didn't like the 2nd episode of the first season.
It was filler. I don't like my Sherlock to be filler.
Except in one very very particular way. You know what I'm talking about.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
::goes and sits in corner and thinks about my life::
Welcome to our world.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
I didn't like the 2nd episode of this season for the same reason I didn't like the 2nd episode of the first season.
It was filler. I don't like my Sherlock to be filler.
Except in one very very particular way. You know what I'm talking about.
I thought S3E2 was really funny. It did have a little bit of a "best of" feel, basically establishing that Sherlock and John were in fact having more adventures than just those depicted on screen to establish their partnership more fully.
It didn't really build the "main" plot line as much (although in a way... didn't it?), but it was very entertaining.
-My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
Have you seen the Hiddleston/Benny mashup gif from The Woman episode, @CinemaGoddess?
I have to see it.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
Re: I'm tired.
I am right there with you!
I can't gif at work but how about I tell you that I am starting to like Benny a little more....just finished season 1 of Sherlock.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
Also, this is a little random and not related to this post....but do ya'll have a facebook group? Am I not invited?
So you guys all know what each other looks like....that has to be weird. I only know what a couple of you look like....I have pictures of what everyone else does in my head.
Again, I can't see a lot of pics at work.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
It didn't really build the "main" plot line as much (although in a way... didn't it?), but it was very entertaining.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
He is 37...He looks 20
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
Off to google image stalk Benny.
G: 6.10
L: 11.13
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
G: 6.10
L: 11.13