This is from this morning after dropping her off at daycare. I had an outfit set for her (from BD's mom) but she was too big for them, so I rushed to find ANYTHING to dress her in and realize now that I really suck at fashion.
lol I do too so don't feel bad. I put DD in her Tennessee Titans turtleneck this morning and realized she still doesn't have enough neck for it. Oh well.
These threads make my day! Last year at this time I couldn't have given less of a shit about cute pictures of babies and kids. Now I can't get enough of them! I can't wait to take my own!!
Crazy how a year changes things isnt it? This time last year i was just starting to connect with bentley. Maybe its because i wasnt trying to get pregnant hell getting pregnant wasnt even on my radar that when i saw those two pink lines i didnt get excited or happy. Pretty sure i just started cursing and crying. I didnt get excited about my pregnancy till i heard his heart beat for the first time.
I honestley thought having a kid was going to be the end of my life. Little did i know.
We're at the doc right now. He thinks she has a bladder infection this time last year I was anxiously waiting for my anatomy scan appointment. It was 2/11 last year. I was totally convinced DD was a boy. LOL
She's fine, lol, she gets a fever and it breaks within a few hours. However this time the doc wouldn't let me have a note saying she was ok for daycare today. Which sucks because I don't have PTO until April. Seriously debating on sending BD a bill for all this time I'm missing...
I just don't want him taking me to court to get some kind of visitation arrangement. Because that guy does not communicate well. For example, when he finally showed up to give DD her Christmas gift, we planned on 6:30 and he texted me at 7:15ish to tell me he was going to be late. And then he talked about showing up a few days later on Superbowl Sunday and then maybe start showing up during the week and I got no texts or phone calls to make a plan. I worry that if we have a visitation schedule put into place, he'll just make things worse for her. I'd rather tough it out until April, I really want to stick it in his face that I can do this without him. That I don't need his help.
He's also prone to lying in court and I would like to keep things the way they are for a little while so I have as much proof as I can get that he sucks and I'm awesome and that he shouldn't get his way, whatever that would entail.
Omg Mimi I can't take the cuteness level in that Winnie the Pooh one! That is off the chart adorable! And Hollykathleen looks like your kids are future models!
Re: show off your kid!
Throwing leaves
I honestley thought having a kid was going to be the end of my life. Little did i know.
Throwing leaves
Throwing leaves
Throwing leaves
@inthelost is your LO throwing up gang signs or doing the Japanese tourist picture thing? I hope gang signs because I like the idea of a baby gang!
Throwing leaves