Exercise, lots of water, a prenantal vitamin without iron, no white bread/rice/pasta/potatoes, minimal (if any) processed food (crackers, chips, cookies, granola bars, etc).
How funny! I just posted about this but didn't see your thread. I was DYING from this. I drink tons of water and exercise almost every day and take probiotics. So none of that was working for me. I was drinking Smooth Move herbal tea with Senna about once every other week because I literally couldn't handle it anymore and that actually works really well but my midwife said that is not good for baby or pregnant ladies. So she suggested something called Fruit-Eze, which is all natural -- its literally just prunes, dates, and raisins. And it works miracles! I highly recommend it. You just eat two teaspoons a day and it gets things moving. You have to order directly through their website, no Amazon Prime unfortunately, but it only took about a week to show up. Highly reocmmend!
I went to an early pregnancy class run by a physiotherapist and one of the hints she gave was to sit a certain way on the toilet, the 'proper' way since we aren't designed to sit the way we do on a modern toilet, we are designed to squat. Try googling it and I'm sure instructions will come up better than I can explain. Basically involves sitting, feet on your toes and close to the base of the toilet with knees out wide, then leaning forward with elbows on knees.
Milk of magnesia helped me when colace didn't seem to work. Stay close to the toilet though.
This ^
Milk of magnesia works, almost to well.. do not take it before bed, or you wont get much sleep.. and do NOT push to pass gas.. its not gas you will be passing... lol.
I have had it really bad since 14 wks (I'm 20 now). It hurts to move sometimes and I've had to leave work early cuz of the gas pains that can't get through cuz I'm so backed up!! My doc said cloaca and milk of mag are fine to take everyday. Cloaca has helped the gas (for whatever reason) and a little with passing stools. I took milk of mag once without taking colace and it hurt terribly!! I'm assuming this is because my stools were so hard and since the milk of mag was trying to help pass it along, it didn't work and hurt.
Colace helps draw water to the stools so they're easier to pass. Milk of mag just makes you actually go.
I went to an early pregnancy class run by a physiotherapist and one of the hints she gave was to sit a certain way on the toilet, the 'proper' way since we aren't designed to sit the way we do on a modern toilet, we are designed to squat. Try googling it and I'm sure instructions will come up better than I can explain. Basically involves sitting, feet on your toes and close to the base of the toilet with knees out wide, then leaning forward with elbows on knees.
Huh. Interesting concept. Makes sense. We get away too much from what our bodies were designed to do.
I have also had this problem. My Dr suggested Miralax once a day for the duration of my pregnancy unless I notice the constipation getting better then I should stop. I take it with hot water with lemon and honey. Works wonders for me! Good luck!
this is a bit different, but if you eat meat, try decreasing how often you eat it per week. I was a meat eater until 2 years ago and suffered with chronic constipation my entire life (mom says pretty much from birth!) that the doctors couldn't figure out. I ditched the meat, and my digestive system has never been happier! I was worried that I would have constipation in pregnancy but so far (19 weeks) I have been pretty regular! *knock on wood*! So I'm not suggesting completely cutting it out, but I know for me, my digestive system is verrrry slow and meat would just sit there forever! Eating more fruits and veggies and lots of water, along with exercise is also helpful
I went to an early pregnancy class run by a physiotherapist and one of the hints she gave was to sit a certain way on the toilet, the 'proper' way since we aren't designed to sit the way we do on a modern toilet, we are designed to squat. Try googling it and I'm sure instructions will come up better than I can explain. Basically involves sitting, feet on your toes and close to the base of the toilet with knees out wide, then leaning forward with elbows on knees.
I've really struggled with constipation, especially with high iron prenatal vitamins. I drink tons of water and do all the high fiber, fresh fruit, etc. that is always suggested. It helps, but I haven't been regular since I was 8 weeks along.
I am now on an additional iron supplement because my iron was low, and I was terrified of the painful constipation that I thought was sure to follow. BUT, I have discovered that yogurt with probiotics in it REALLY helps. I eat a single serving container of greek yogurt with probiotics every morning and I am back to my pre-pregnancy daily regular poops.
I have always had digestive issues of course it is worse during pregnancy!! I take Metamucil (the capsule pills - it's just psyllium husk) every other day or when I feel backed up. And I get plenty of natural fiber in my diet (green leafy veggies are awesome!). But honestly the days I feel the BEST are the days I get up and go for a walk, play Just Dance, or do house chores that keep me moving. Get your body moving and it will get your digestive system moving!!!
Re: constipation question
BFP 2: 11/16/13 EDD: 8/3/14
Baby Brody born 8/1/14!!!
DS: 11/8/11 | 9 lb 7 oz, 22 in
DD: 5/22/14 | 9 lb 9 oz, 21.5 in