(with Lucas- you all thought this would be a bfp story, huh) FIL asked him if he was sure it was his. Just remembered that today. This is also the man who looked like he was going to shit his pants when we joked at thanksgiving that I was pregnant again. Looked at us like 'glad you aren't that stupid'. There is a thought for you!
Re: So... When MH told FIL I was pregnant
well, I hate to say it, but in our family situation with BIL's 2 children "is it yours?" is a VERY valid question to ask. The first, the one he put his name on the birth certificate after remarrying the woman he had already once divorced, was NOT his, although he lied for years about it. The second, he'd known the chick for about a week and she was 19 years old at the time.
So, while it may seem like a crap question (and I don't know the status of your relationship with your NOW-DH at the time), I really don't see it as completely out of line if your not married or even engaged at the time.
again, didn't mean to offend you, and Yes, my BIL IS an idiot. Possibly the biggest idiot on the planet...so big an idiot that he should have his kid taken away from him, honestly.
I'm just saying that not knowing your relationship situation at the time OR how much of a jackhole your FIL is, it is not a completely unheard of question.
I need to go to bed - I'm probably not making sense at this point. I like you, and I don't think you seem like the type of person this question SHOULD be asked of.
I just read it and thought "He's probably an a$$hat, but I know WE wanted to ask my BIL to demand a paternity test..." Totally nothing against you, it just reminded me of when we found out that my DD was going to have a cousin when we didn't even know he was dating anyone.